Chapter 122: A Kiss of Promise

Start from the beginning

Mikan thinks for a moment, raising a finger to her chin as she thinks of her options. After a moment, Mikan shakes her head. "Um, not yet. I think I will go to Central Town to buy a present for Jii-Chan- since this will be the last time I'd be able to go..." She trails off before looking at the two boys, "Won't you come with me, Ruka-Pyon, Tsubasa-Senpai?" She smiles at the two.

Immediately, Tsubasa pushes Ruka to Mikan's side with a sly grin on his face as he waves them off, "No, no. Go ahead, go ahead! I won't disturb you two..." Ruka's face is lit aflame and he yells at the Cheshire grinning Senpai, "What's wrong with you!!"

All the while, Mikan stared at her Senpai with her big round unknowing eyes, "Ehhh~ You're not coming Tsubasa-Senpai?" Tsubasa shakes his head and pushes both of the children onto the bus that would drive them to central town. He waves a handkerchief after them, teasing the blond aboard, "Good luck!"

Ruka is heard from inside the bus, shouting at Tsubasa to shut up. The shadow-manipulator isn't even fazed and winks at the retreating bus, "See you baby~!" Once they've left his sight, Tsubasa keeps standing there. Although Mikan was leaving soon, he would always treasure these moments- the moments when he could tease the two of them and see her smile. It felt refreshing to see Mikan smile, her grin always finding a way to brighten up the dimmest hearts.

Tsubasa turns around and begins walking towards his dorm while stuffing his hands into his pockets. As he continues his walk, his eyes wander towards the sky while the boy begins finding different shapes in the clouds.


A loud sigh escapes Mikan as she walks down the street of Central town with Ruka following behind her. "I wanted to buy a lot of things but my savings is only enough for one box of howalon.." Mikan giggles to herself, rubbing the back of her head as she laughs at her unrealistic hopes. Ruka shakes his head at the girl, smiling at her expression, "Mm. Your Grandfather will surely be happy."

After saying that sentence, Ruka quickly notices a small change in Mikan's behavior. Her eyes looked down for a second as her smile faded away, her whole mood seeming to dim for just a moment. He cocks his head to the side at her change in attitude, 'Surely her grandfather will love anything Mikan gives him. Perhaps she wishes she could get him more things.' Ruka ponders. For a moment, he debates offering her some rabbits to buy more gifts but knowing Mikan, she would never accept the offer.

A sign catches his attention from his peripheral, Ruka stopping and turning his head to read the sign. An idea pops into his mind as he pinches Mikan's sleeve to catch her attention, "It's the Fluffy Soft Serve Ice Cream. Let's eat that while we take a break? My treat!" Ruka offers while Mikan's eyes go blank in surprise with a bit of drool escaping her mouth.

"Fluffy Soft Serve Ice Cream?! She exclaims in excitement. Seeing her mood brighten, Ruka eagerly grabs her by the hand and leads her towards the booth, "Come on!" He encourages. At the moment, neither had realized the fact that they were holding hands as the boy lead the brunette towards the creamy treat.

They both get cones with their ice cream that was as soft and light as a cloud. "Uwahhhh! I'm so excited!" Mikan cheers before taking a small bite. The ice cream quickly desolves in her mouth leaving behind a cold, sweet taste in her mouth. Ruka watches her eyes light up for a moment, Mikan raising a hand to hold her cheek as she savors her treat. "This is so yummy!" Mikan giggles to herself.

Relief fills Ruka, seeing Mikan back to her regular optimistic self. He takes a small bite of his own ice cream before helplessly watching some of Mikan's ice cream start to fly away. When she notices, Mikan screams and begins to panic- claiming that her ice cream would fly and make an ice cream cloud. Her claims make Ruka laugh as she tries to keep it from flying away.

Soon, the two end up sitting next to one another on a grassy knoll and stare up at the sky. "Look, Look, Ruka-pyon! Look at that veeeery small cloud!" Mikan points up to the sky, "I'm pretty sure that one is my Fluffy Soft Serve Ice Cream blown away and turned into a cloud!" Mikan nods her head to herself. "Huh?" Ruka furrows his brows for a moment and shakes his head at Mikan.

They watch for a bit more before Mikan throws herself backwards to lay down on the soft grass. Ruka glances at her and lays down as well, turning on to his side to face Mikan head on. She turns her face towards him, smiling at Ruka who simply stares at her before turning her gaze back towards the sky as she takes in this moment. Something warm takes hold of her hand, startling Mikan. Her attention is drawn to the boy who lays next to her, holding her hand in his own, "Ru..." She trails off until the boy speaks.

"I know that I've already told you before but... I love you... Mikan." When he says those words, Mikan's heart flutters for a moment. Time seems to stop as only the two of them exist in the wide universe- nothing mattered more that each other. "Even if we part ways and you forget about me, I will always think of you. Even if I grow old and I leave this academy, I will definitely come and find you." Ruka tells her. "Until the day that you remember me, I will always wait for you."

"Ruka..." Mikan's eyes well up as a smile comes to her face. she turns to lay on her side as well and smiles as best as she can through her tears, "I love you, Ruka!" Mikan grins, "My heart is so happy right now...!" She holds it as her chest aches in glee and heartache. Joyful that the two of them could spend this moment with one another and yet... her heart hurt at the fact that she would forget about the boy when her memory was wiped.

Seeing her tears, Ruka moves his hand forward and wipes a stray tear away. As he does so, Mikan locks her pinky with his own. He looks down at their hands in surprise as Mikan makes a promise. "I will wait for Ruka-pyon to find me. I'll remember you when I see you outside of the academy. So... Make sure to come for me!"

Ruka leans forward and rests his forehead against Mikan's as the two close their eyes and complete this promise. Both children are contempt in this moment as they promise themselves to one another. Ruka brings Mikan's hand to his mouth before placing a final delicate kiss, sealing their future.

Mikan slaps a hand over her mouth as her cheeks become dusted with a blush, Ruka laughing at her flustered expression, "I definitely will! It's a kiss of promise!"

Sorry for taking so long!!! I hope I made up for it with the MikanxRuka moment! Anyways, I'm going to try and start writing the next chapter as soon as I can! Please be patient with me!

And OMG guys, it's been just around four years since I started this story! The fact that I can remember the exact night that I wrote the first chapter and I remember being excited to publish it shows the impact this story has on me. It was a great night and I got little ceasers too-

Vote and Comment and hopefully that will give me motivation to complete all of my work so I can work more on this book lol! Love you all!

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