Chapter 122: A Kiss of Promise

Start from the beginning

Ruka needed the twins.


The door to a room opens, revealing a frail boy who sits up in bed while wearing his pajamas. When the intruder walks through the threshold, a joyful expression reveals itself on the boy's face. "Mikan-Chan!" He welcomes the girl, happy to see her, "It's been a long time! Thank you for visiting me!"

Crocodile tears begin filling Mikan's eyes as the girl rushes to his bed and dramatically throws herself into his embrace, "Kaname-Senpai!!!" She bawls while burying her face into his chest.

Ruka watches from Tsubasa's side, both of whom decided to join Mikan on her visit to Bear's creator. The bed-ridden male wraps his arms around the girl, comfortingly patting her back, "Eh- Why, you had a fight with Bear?" He awkwardly smiles, "I'm sorry." He apologizes while Tsubasa raises an eyebrow at his friend, "What are you, a mind reader?"

Mikan raises her red and sweaty, tear covered face to reveal it to her senpai, "BUT WE WERE GETTING ALONG BETTER AND NOW-!" she sobs, "WHAT DID I DO WRONG?!" Mikan shouts out. In the past few days, Bear had been more violent towards Mikan than he had in a while and was ruthless to her- just as the day they had met. His odd behavior is one of the main reasons that spurred Mikan to have this surprise visit with Kaname-Senpai.

"You were getting along better..." Kaname looks up to the ceiling in thought before nodding to himself, "That's probably the reason." Kaname concludes. His words confuse Mikan as the snotty nosed girl reaches behind her, grabbing tissues from Ruka's hand that held a random tissue box. Her misty brown eyes stare at Kaname in confusion, "Huh?" She sniffles.

Kaname takes that moment to explain his thought process which was more than likely why Bear was acting out. "Unlike other stuffed toys, Bear had no master other than me. But since he became friends with Mikan-Chan, this would be the first time that he opened his heart to someone other than me." He states, "And now, since you are leaving the academy and him behind, even though in his mind he understands the circumstances, his heart could not take it... He is filled with loneliness because his master is leaving him behind."

Kaname's words touch Mikan's heart as her eyes are opened to Bear's feelings. "Right now, Bear is probably just hitting you so he could convey his feelings to you."

'Bear...' Mikan's heart twists for a moment.

"But I'm thankful."

Those words take Mikan by surprise and she looks up to see a gentle and genuine smile on Kaname's face. "Bear used to dislike people so much and now he has found someone like you..." Kaname chuckles to himself. "Although I feel a bit lonely that Bear has finally graduated from the world where I am the only one, still- I am glad." To Kaname, all of his creations were held dear to his heart. Never would Kaname have imagined that Bear would open himself so much to someone that wasn't him, seeing his friend grow like Bear did- it almost felt like a father watching his son grow up. While it saddened Kaname a bit, it was a joy to watch Bear open his view of the world that awaited him.

"Although Bear is being bad to you because he's sulking, I'm relieved." Kaname reaches his hand out and places it on Mikan's while bowing his head in appreciation with an angelic smile, "Thank you... Mikan-Chan... I will talk to Bear- I'll explain that this doesn't mean that you are throwing him away. Even though he cares for you so deeply, that you still myst part ways. Though it will be hard for a stuffed toy like Bear to understand, By knowing that he is certainly loved, he could continue living on. And I know for sure, someday, he will be able fo understand your feelings..."

And with that, their visit is brought to an end.

Tsubasa leads his two kouhai's out of the building as they all stay bundled up in the chilly weather that was bestowed upon them. They all sported casual clothing, each with their own jacket. Tsubasa walks ahead of the pack while Ruka turns towards Mikan, "Sakura, are you returning to the dormitory after this?" He asks.

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