A loud buzz resounded, telling me that the artifact was now on. I took another step forward so I was leaning forward on the balcony rail, waiting patiently for the last of the cheers to subside.

"Despite my age, I've read countless books on this continent's history and economy. Yet, in none of those books does it explain what makes their citizens love their country. Some historians say its natural loyalty ingrained in you from birth, others say it's brought about by the security and peace the kings and queens create for their people."

"I tell you this because I disagree with both claims. I believe that loyalty isn't something that can be quantified with a single definition, Loyalty is something forged from your experiences and your upbringing that varies from person to person From king to citizen. It isn't something that can be imprinted nor fabricated, It is earned through hardships and trust in our brethren."

"But one thing is certain: loyalty is always easier when times are easy. It's easy to cheer for your king when your children are well-fed and your land is prosperous. It's easy to rally behind an army when you know it's going to win. But this isn't like those times. Through this war, your loyalty to this country-to this entire continent-will be tried and tested, because there will be times when you'll be faced with a choice between dying with your people, or hoping to live beneath your enemies Heel." The air amongst the crowd darkened as my voice fell into a whisper, but I continued."

"The fact that I'm up here right now is not because of my title as a Paladin nor because of some divine responsibility placed on me by God. My loyalty wasn't bought, nor was it freely given. My loyalty to this continent and to everyone in it was nurtured from my childhood in the countryside, then as an adventurer, then a student, then a teacher, and now, it'll be proven not as a Paladin But a soldier of Dicathen."

"Sure, this continent and its leaders have their flaws, but what no one can say is that they haven't tried. The joining of the three kingdoms to form the Council would've been unheard of a few generations ago, yet the leaders of the three races put aside their pride and differences to unite and share the resources amongst one another to better this continent and those that live in it. While discrimination may still exist, this land we live in belongs to all of us, and just beyond this city is an army aboard over a hundred ships approaching our shores and certainly more on their way. We've been given an option to either give up the lives of all the royal families that have served this continent in exchange for taking our land without a fight or to presume with this war on a greater, much more devastating scale."

"Commander Virion was ready to give up his own life to protect this continent-to protect you-but I said it wasn't his call since this doesn't only affect his and his family's lives, but everyone's lives here."

I turned around and motioned for Virion and everyone else to come forward. "I chose to Stand and Fight and risk dying to protect the life I've come to love here rather than betray my brethren in hopes of a promise that our enemies-enemies that have already separated families-may or may not keep.

But I dare not speak for everyone on this continent. The only thing I can say with full confidence is that that if given the chance, every one of us up here will fight to our last breaths to protect this continent from the likes of those who dare invade us."

It was utter quiet for what seemed like hours until a single voice broke the silence.

"Long live Dicathen."

That single proclamation set off an eruption. As if the crowd of over a million people had choreographed their cheer, a thundering chant resounded, shaking the ground and very castle we were in.

"Long live Dicathen. Long live Dicathen. Long live Dicathen."

I turned off the voice amplifying artifact and let out a deep breath of relief when Zeph hopped off my shoulder.

As the cheer grew to its climax, my bond transformed from his pearly white form into that of a colossal dragon.

It was when he spread out his wings I was shown once again how much he had grown over the years. His wingspan far surpassed the width of the balcony growing to match the width of the crowd below, as gales blasted down at the crowd with each beat of his white wings.

While I was startled that he would reveal himself now without giving me any notice, I played along and unsheathed the greatsword on my back that once belonged to Bahamut and held it high in the air, just as my bond faced the sky and let loose a thunderous roar that shook the very air around us, instilling fear and awe to the people gathered below us.

Although Zephyr's meddling immediately disrupted the crowd's chanting, an even louder cheer erupted at our powerful display

I turned back around to see wide eyes at the turn of events.

"I thought you didn't have anything prepared," Virion said with a raised brow.

I shrugged in response as Zeph shrank back to his Lizzard form and hopped onto my shoulder. "I didn't, I stole most of it from Arthur's speech in the original timeline when he took Aleas place as a lance."

"I did good, right?' Zeph chirped."

"I think you just made everyone there want to join the army." I sighed flicking Zeph on his scaled forehead.

Curtis came up to me, beaming in excitement. "That last bit was terrific. I mean, I heard that Zephyr and Sylvie were dragons from the students that were there at school when we were attacked but..."

The prince let out a wistful sigh as he shifted glances between Zephyr and me before stepping forward to wave at the captivated mass roaring our names that were displayed under portraits shown on the projector artifacts.

After several minutes of receiving the crowd's cheers, we slowly retreated back into the castle.

As Virion and Aldir prepared to go through the teleportation gate, the white-haired asura turned back, matching my gaze with his single, purple eye. "are you all ready for this war?"

My lips curled up into a smirk as I let out a chuckle holding the 3 sets of Vritra Horns in my hand from the retainers we have defeated. "No, but I don't plan on losing to those damn Vritra's."

I handed Uto's horns back to Arthur to meditate with so he could grow stronger as well as hopefully manifest Regis sooner. I retained Cylrits one remaining horn that hadn't been reduced to dust by one the arrow that led us to capturing him, as Well as Artorias's Horns that Zeph had dived into the ocean to retrieve.

Aldir smiled in return and turned back around. "Good. That's what I like to hear."


A/N I would have changed the speech more If I liked how it turned out but this is the best I could do and still be satisfied

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