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Hello there my fellow Dragonites! *in head* Sounds like dragon dynamite...

Anyways, Im proud to announce u have reached the end of this book. *clapping* Good job if u are reading this after all the cheesiness that was in this book. Oh you cant forget the cringes, too. Oh I love a good cringing! Anyone else? Just me? Alllrighty then.

So next year im going to boarding school(Year 9 next year btw), and here's the situation:

Next year once I get my phone(yup im getting my first phone in January sometime), my ipad, MY ipad, which I got. for. my. BIRTHDAY. will become my younger sister's ipad for school. Red flag #1

I also have to leave my laptop here bc we get our own school laptop. Idk what will happen to it but im guessing it'll be used for my sisters as well so I changed my password(hahaha im so evilll) and im hard to crack when it comes to that stuff. Red flag #2

Oh yeah also I wont be able to use internet on my new phone bc the teachers cant control what we go on(like, no google searches or anything) so I will be only using my school laptop for that, which they can see everything on. Red flag #3

Oh yeah and bc MY ipad isn't going to be MINE anymore next year, I have to delete wattpad off it and any other things I use(e.g. the fandom app and book covers app). Red flag #4

So with my laptop I could probably keep wattpad bc its harder to find apps and stuff but I'll have to log out of my account. Red flag #5

BUTBUTBUT I also have good news! The chance of me staying is abt 73% and leaving is abt 17% so I'll still have a wattpad account, I'll just be inactive a LOT. probably. idrk yet tbh. And remember how I said u have reached the end of this book? Welll... look at the title of the book. What does it say? Does it say Hiccstrid Daily... or does it say Hiccstrid Daily Book 1? Actually I need to go look for myself 😂 K yep I was right. It says Book 1. Book. 1. Book1. Bewk. Wun. Book 1. U get my point by now.

So basically THERE IS A BOOK 2!!! Butbutbut... It will still be another day or so before I publish it bc i have to sneakily grab my ipad which was taken away from me again and make a quick book cover for it and sort out the camera roll and stuff bc i could get in A LOT of trouble.

'Why?' you may ask? Well...

1. My parents dont know I have wattpad(only me and my sis do)

2. My parents aren't exactly shippers... they would probably actually kill me if they found out what I was reading, LET ALONE writing.

3. They dont understand the concept of fanfic. Its just wrong to them.

4. They give out fairly harsh punishments

5. They are SUPER SUPER SUPER strict when it comes to online stuff. No talking to anyone online, no making accounts for random websites, no inappropriate content, no sharing personal info, NOTHING.

'Well then why in the name of Thor did u sign up for Wattpad??' U may ask. Well, im pretty rebellious when it comes to online/tech stuff. And also bc i barely ever listen to them at all. Like, ever. Aaaand also bc they dont know my passcode to any of my devices. Now to change my Apple ID password...

Yeah yeah ik ik, Im being super dramatic and overreacting and sh- like that but trust me, u have nooo idea. Well some of u might depending on ur situation. Also its a few days-a week until I actually have to start being super careful so I will hopefully be online a ton during this time but who rlly knows? Not me that's for sure!

K now im just RANDOMLY craving chocolate. CHOCOLAAAATE! WHERE ARE YOUUUU?

No hate ✌


(PS: this is the last official chapter of Hiccstrid Daily Book 1. I already have a chapter in mind for Book 2 so dont worry! Goodbye everyone! Oh wait I have my other books. Eh its not rlly goodbye then. Its C ya later! *get it? Anyone? Anyone know what I did there? No? Alllright*)

Hiccstrid daily Book 1Where stories live. Discover now