Dragon Speak

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Hiiiiii there!
Okay so here is Dragon Speak! In this chapter the dragons are all just randomly talking. Haha mainly about their humans tho. Obvs 😂
Next- T or D #2
Okay I'm seriously running out of ideas here!
Anyways... this isn't really a Hiccstrid chapter, but eh. It'll be funny anyways.
Oh yeah. It's set in season 6 of rtte. Thought I'd better mention that.

No hate ✌️


Dragons edge. An island. A paradise. A sanctuary. A place where all dragons ans humans loved to be.
*someone whispers in ear*
Oh? It's not? Well then...

"Ahhhh it's so hooooot" Toothless complained loudly, and rolled onto his back, fanning himself with his tail, tongue sticking out.

"I know right? Can't we go back to the cold down at Berk?" Barf questioned, agreeing with Toothless on this one.

"Hey, the humans aren't having any more fun than we are, either!" Stormfly pointed out, gesturing to the bunch of teens that were almost passed out in the clubhouse from the heat.

"Whatever, Stormfly. I- I mean, WE, are all stinking hot. It's like a million degrees! I'm surprised old Snotty over there hasn't been set on fire yet!" Toothless exclaimed.

As soon as he said that, a broad grin spread across Hookfangs face.

"It would be my pleasure" he claimed with a smirk, sending a gentle plume of fire towards Snotlouts backside, setting it immediately alight. (*edit* DAMN 😂 *dies*)

"AHH! HOOKFANG!" He screamed, giving the other riders(and dragons) something to entertain themselves with.

"Hahaha idiot" Hookfang finished.

"I'm so darn bored! Can't we have some action around here!?" Windshear begged. She was as much a Hiccstrid supporter as Heather.

"Eww! I don't want to see that stuff!" Dagurs dragon, a triple strike, exclaimed.

Although it was true. None of the other dragons wanted to see that. They all "eww"ed in unison. Except Meatlug. She was asleep.

"Yeah-" Toothless started, before whispering...
"Psst! Stormfly! You gotta help me with this one!"
And then continuing as normal.

"Hiccup and Astrid are always like mwamwamwamwamwa" he said cheekily, standing up to make the typical making out sign- hugging himself. (*edit* I think... I just... died somehow... omt I cant breath...)

"Hahahaha!" The dragons all had a good laugh at this- even Belch, who barely ever speaks.

Apart from Stormfly, that is. She just rolled her eyes.

*tiiime skip coz I'm lazy af*

Night had fallen over the edge. Even in the scorching heat of the summer, it had grown much cooler overnight. The riders had all gone to bed and were fast asleep.

In Hiccups(and Astrids I guess) hut, Toothless was lying on his stone slab, which he had heated up multiple times simply because he couldn't sleep. He rolled onto his back. Then back onto this stomach, then curling up super tight. Then starfishing, limbs hanging over the sides of the slab, before eventually rolling off it with a thud.

"Oof! Oh, shhh Toothless!" He scolded himself as Hiccup began to stir from all the noise. The dragon was bored as heck but knew nevertheless it was a bad idea to wake his rider up in the middle of the night. Especially when his girl was with him(yeah. Toothless loves teasing his rider abt his relationship. Real original Toothless 😂) (*edit* ooooh 'his girl' is she? Im currently dying of laughter. Anyone else?)

"Nahhh. Imma go wake Stormfly up" he whispered to himself. As he passed Hiccups bed and walked down the stairs, he said "lazy human", rolling his eyes as he did so.

Once he made it downstairs, he walked out the door and into the stables where the other dragons were sleeping. Or, trying to sleep at least.

"Psst. Stormfly!"

"WHAT THE-? Oh, it's just you Toothy"

"I told you! Stop calling me that!"

"And why should I? You are the one who decided to wake me up"

"You weren't even asleep!"

"Hmm... that may be true but I win. Too bad so sad, Toothy"

Let's just say this went on for a while. Well, that was until Hookfang woke up and told them to "shut up before I set the stables on fire"

That did it. Normally the Night Fury and deadly nadder could go on like this for days even and no one would dare to interrupt them. But when it came to Hookfang and his "beauty sleep", nobody dared disturb him.

It was nearly dawn by the time the dragons fell asleep next to each other, after pointlessly arguing most of the night. Uuuuntil an hour later and they got up again so the could play together on the grass before they had to do their "chores", AKA patrolling rounds and picking up all the mess they made the day before.

*time skip coz I wanna publish this so I can watch rtte with my sister*

Hours had passed, surprisingly, before Hiccup and Astrid walked out of their hut sleepily, and seeing their dragons frolicking in the grass like little girls on a lovely spring day, they giggled to themselves and rolled their eyes at the dragons. Little did they know what dragons say to each other.


*laughs hysterically*

Okay hiii!
First, is it just or who laughed reading this?? I couldn't keep a straight face while writing this!! 😂😂😂 (*edit* NEITHER COULD FUTURE U)
Especially the first part *cheesy giggle*. I'm so weirddd... (*edit* I know...)
So ik the end is kinda very extremely bad, but I'm tiiiired! It's like 11 at night and me and my sister still have to watch all the best Hiccstrid episodes of rtte together!! (*edit* well im editing this at like 10:40pm so its good to see I havent changed 😂)
Okay byyye! Also TYSM for 8 reads on my other book, Dimensions!! Aaah yesss!! Don't worry, I will be making a couple of small edits to the first chapter and the second one should be out sometime tomorrow.
Also, tell me if you want a Dragon Speak part 2! Just comment with some ideas! Alright fine I'll try to get some sleep now... maybe.

No hate ✌️

Hiccstrid daily Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora