Babysitting Part 3

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Okay I rlly have nothing to say for this chapter except that there are some cute moments and some cringe moments. Btw this takes place a couple days after the last chapter.

No hate ✌️


No ones POV.

Astrid awoke to a bright ray of sunlight filtering through the wooden walls of their hut. She sighed before mumbling to herself, "I should probably get up and go train". Not that she wanted to, but it was a good idea nevertheless. She had missed training the past couple days as all the hunters were gone so there was less stress, she had been busy with Hiccup and Rosabell, and the rest of her time was taken up by taking some well deserved naps. Handling a baby had taken quite the toll on the young couple, although Heather offered to look after Rosabell the day before so they could rest for a bit, and today she had been fairly quiet. Just sleeping most of the time in the crib that was perched in the corner.

The young blonde sat up and as she was about to stand, she felt two warm arms snake around her waist and pull her back down. She came face to face with a still half asleep Hiccup. She just rolled her eyes.

"Nooooo. Staaay" he mumbled, quite clearly half asleep.

"Hicuuuuup, I have to traiiiin" she argued, mocking his tone.

"But Astriiiiid. We never get to relax togetheeeeeer" he replied, still carrying on the tone. Astrid sighed playfully. Yes it was true she needed to go train, but it was also true that they barely ever got to spend some time just in each other's arms that much anymore with everything going on.

"Alright fiiiiine" she surrendered, knowing that she would much rather cuddle in bed with her betrothed than strain her muscles training. She laid back down under the warm covers. Hiccup wrapped his arms around her lovingly, and she rested her hand and head on his chest. They both just stayed like that for a while, mumbling inaudible things to each other(not bad stuff. I mean cute stuff) before they both eventually just fell asleep.

What they didn't know was that Stoick had just landed outside. Yes, it becomes cringe worthy form here. Oh I love a good cringing. Anyways, aside from that, Stoick being Stoick, he didn't like knocking so naturally, he just opened the door and barged into his sons hut.

The noise of the door opening so suddenly normally would have woken them up straight away, but in this case they were so tired that nobody batted an eyelid. Stoick, still being at the bottom of the small staircase, couldn't see anyone.

"Hiccup!" He called, but still not getting an answer, he decided to take another approach. He decided to silently(if that was possible for Stoick the Vast) creep up the stairs and poke his head into the small room at the top of the stairs.

He smiled at what he saw. There on the bed was Hiccup and Astrid just seeping in each other's arms quietly. He looked over to the corner of the room where Rosabell was fast asleep as well. They must be exhausted, he thought to himself. I'll wait until they wake up, he decided, and with that he headed back outside and to the clubhouse to check in on things.

*like 1 hour time skip*

It wasn't until about 2:00pm that the two young Vikings woke up to the sound of Toothless accidentally knocking a tail fin off the wall and it clattered to the ground. The dragon looked around panicked to see if anyone had heard the noise. He sighed with relief as he saw that no one was up yet.

"Toothleeeess!" He heard someone whine tiredly from behind him. The black dragon cringed and slowly turned around to see a very-tired-but-slowly-waking-up Hiccup. Toothless gave him an apologetic smile as his rider put the tail fin back up on the wall. Whilst Hiccup was doing that, Astrid had also woken up because of the noise, however, I think it's safe to say that she was a lot more resilient than her betrothed when it came to most things- especially getting up in the morning(well, afternoon in this case), so she was already up and fully awake as well as tending to Rosabell within 10 seconds of waking up.

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