Another Land Part 1

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Suggested by my sister just to get us started :)
Requests! I need requests! I WILL do yours!! I promise!!(unless I already did something similar or it is out of/set in httyd 3)
Set during late rtte season 4(before project shellfire but after blind sighted somewhere and yes ik this is kinda like the hidden world when you think abt it but I'll change it a LOT)
Also I mainly write in third person and very rarely from a characters POV. It's just easier and more efficient for me :)

No hate ✌️


No ones POV.

It was a quiet morning on the edge as the sun rose over the horizon, sheeting the sky in rays of golden light. All the souls that inhabited the small camp were asleep. That is, except two particular young teens. Oh, and a chicken, in case you were wondering.

"GOOOOOD MORNING DRAGONS EDGE!" Tuffnut's voice echoed through the island, waking everyone there. Maybe even everyone within the outer archipelago, come to think of it.

"WE ARE HERE WITH TUFFNUT-" he continued.

"AND RUFFNUT-" his sister interrupted loudly, making Chicken cluck in response.

"AAAND CHICKEN!" Tuffnut concluded, as to be expected, because this sort of thing happened every morning here at the edge since the horn was first built(I can't remember when the horn was actually built- I think it was season 4 or 5 but correct me if I'm wrong).

Everyone who had been awoken by the racket(is that how you spell? Sorry this is my first ever chapter on WATTPAD so I'm a bit question-y) slowly made their way into the clubhouse- that was but two other young adults who knew they could finally spend some time together. Alone.

"Okay, listen up gang" began Hiccup. "It's me and Astrid's turn to go on patrol today but keep in mind- Viggo is still out there. So while we're gone, Heather and Fishlegs are in charge, okay?" He finished, shooting a quick glare at Snotlout and the twins whilst saying that last part.

"So you're telling me, you put Heathlegs in charge and not me?? Let's face it Hiccup, Heather would much rather be in charge with me and not Fishface over here." Snotlout complained, earning a scoff from both Astrid and Heather.

"Oh give it a rest Snotlout!" They exclaimed, jinxing.

Whilst Snotlout went on mumbling inaudible things, Astrid and Heather went on to clang wristbands and then everyone went about their morning- Fishlegs went to prune his garden, Snotlout was trying to figure out how to win Heather over, Ruff and Tuff went about desperately trying(but failing) not to blow stuff up, Heather went to sharpen her blade and Hiccup and Astrid went to saddle up their dragons, getting ready for patrol.

Their plan was to take off and fly in different directions then meet up at on of the nearby sea stacks and search the nearby islands. They would then split up again and fly back from opposite directions to hide suspicion. You know, because of the whole secret-relationship thing. So far only Heather knew about this, and she had sworn to secrecy.


*to be continued in the next chapter*
Hi guys
First things first. Okay is it just me or is Chicken like the best thing abt rtte (apart from ships, u know, obvs 😂)

I know this is a short chapter but I had SERIOUS writers block. Unfortunately I also have food poisoning and I'm not feeling too good so yeah but I'm super glad I finished my first chapter within a few hours!! Part 2 will be out either today or tomorrow, depending on stuff. We are currently on holiday and tomorrow we will be driving 6 hours back home(not far ik but I will have no service for a while then we have to unpack and all that jazz)
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

No hate ✌️(this is kinda like my sign off now I guess)

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