Catching part 2

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Hi y'all!
So so sorry for not posting lately but I have been super busy with u know the whole iPad-being-taken-away thingy. Soooo as you may have guessed, I'm currently sitting on the toilet lid holding the bathroom door closed rn. I'm also only allowed to use my iPad 30 minutes a day and I'm only meant to be using that time to look up boarding schools.

Yes, I'm going to Boarding School next year. We don't know which one but it will probs be in QLD or something. Idk.

So anyways here is part 2 finally! There may or may not be a part 3 but we will see I guess. Again, thankyou to Cleomlf13 for suggesting this one shot idea! I'm still taking requests but it might take a while to write and release because you know why.
No hate ✌️


*the next morning*

No ones POV.

Chief Hiccup awoke to the sound of something clattering to the ground in the kitchen. It sounded like a cabinet door had been opened ever so slightly wide enough for a pan to fall onto the floor. Bolting upright from his slouching position on the hard wooden chair, he frantically looked around trying to figure out where he was, before realising he was in his home.

He looked over towards his young daughter, sleeping peacefully in her little wooden bed. As you know, Hiccup absolutely adored his little Zephyr and was extremely protective over her, especially when she was sick. So of course when- hang on a second, he thought to himself. If Zephyr is asleep still, who was-? He facepalmed and whispered "Thor help us" before slowly getting up off the chair as to not make any noise to go try to get his stubborn wife back in bed.

Sighing at yet another day of this(what? Did you really think Astrid was going to stay in bed? Uhh yeah no), he continued to carefully creak open the door and head downstairs where he saw his beautiful yet stubborn wife trying to get a cup of water for herself, whilst visibly exhausted. It was only 6 weeks ago that she had given birth for a second time, and their son was much harder to deal with than their first born was.

In between Astrid and author POV(yeah yeah yeah, just wait and see)

*five minutes earlier*

Astrid awoke to a throbbing pain in her head. And arms. And legs. And back. Everywhere, actually. Sure she had a high pain tolerance, but these past few weeks she had been playing on hard mode. She grabbed the side of the bed and stood up, turning to notice her husband(tbh it feels so weird saying husband and wife whilst referring to these two! Idk why but it just does🤔😂*secretly cries* *sniff* they grow up so fast!! 😭😭😭) wasn't laying in bed next to her like he normally was. She figured he had just head out early to finish chiefly duties sooner.

As she looked over towards the doorway, she could see across the hallway into Zephyrs room through a tiny crack in her daughters door. We really need to get that fixed, she thought to herself for no particular reason. Quickly glancing over to her newborn son, Nuffink Haddock, she made her way across the hallway to check in on Zephyr, but stopped and peered through the crack in the door to make sure she was actually asleep first.

Quite often, little Zeph would hide behind her door in an attempt to scare her mother when she walked in to check on her.(why can I imagine this so clearly? 😂) Anyways, what she saw made her smile. Instead of a cheeky little face on the other side of the door, she saw her daughter snuggled up tightly in bed with Hiccup sitting in a wooden chair facing the bed, also fast asleep. Astrid rolled her eyes playfully. Of course. He's such a good father, she thought honestly. She loved her family with all her heart. Who would have thought that just 10(wholly f*** that's sad! So long ago yet not long ago at all! I'm so confused rn 😭😭😭) years ago she would marry and have kids, let alone marry Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, and have their kids. She smiled sadly at the thought.

Turning away quietly, Astrid now had to battle getting down the stairs and back- a task that she was definitely NOT looking forward to. Sighing, she made her way down the stairs, her entire body in pain with every step she took. Eventually, she made it down to the kitchen, where her arm was lifted up to grab a cup off the top shelf. Uh, why is this so hard? Just as she grabbed a glass with her fingertips, her elbow knocked another cabinet door open and some pots and pans(did they have those back then? Well they do now) went clattering onto the floor. Seeing them fall out of the cabinet, all Astrid could do was scrunch up her eyes and nose and hope that nobody got woken up. At first she thought she was in the clear and relaxed, but it wasn't long and she heard a familiar thump, clink, thump, clink coming down the stairs. She was just grateful that neither of their children had woken up from the racket.

"Astrid?" She turned around to see Hiccup standing at the base of the stairs, looking at her with a concerned gaze.

"Oh, uh... hey, Hiccup" Astrid replied tiredly and unfocused.

"Are- are you okay? Remember what Gothi said? Well, I guess she didn't really say anything but you know what I mean. You still have 2 weeks left until you will be strong enough for everything to go back to normal" he said gently.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I was just getting a drink of water. No need to worry babe" the blonde Viking replied once again. It was clear to Hiccup that she was not giving up anytime soon. He just sighed tiredly before continuing.

"Alright, but at least let me help you get back up stairs and I'll come back down and get you a drink. We should really be getting you to bed" he explained, trying to get his point across without angering Astrid, who, even if she was tired as helheim, still had extremely good aim, which as you can imagine is pretty concerning to poor Hiccup(😂).

"Nooooooooo..." Astrid tried protesting as her caring husband led her back upstairs as gently as he could, however she began trailing off as she was already half asleep. Slowly, the young couple made their way upstairs where Astrid payed back down on the bed again without protesting, much to Hiccups surprise. She must be so tired... he thought to himself silently.

As quickly but quietly as he could, Hiccup went downstairs and got his wife a glass of water before hiking back upstairs to their bedroom, however once he made it back upstairs, he saw that Astrid had already fallen back asleep and was resting quietly. Hiccup smiled and placed the cup of water next to their bed before whispering "night, m'lady" and turned around to go back to check on Zephyr again.

"Good night to you too, babe"

Alright yes I know it's not super close to what the request was but I thought I would just add in a bit of fluff just bc. I've been trying to find a nice, good book just full of Hiccstrid fluff but I can't find any ANYWHERE. All I want is some nice cute fluff! Is that too much to ask, WATTPAD? Is it??

WATTPAD: yes, yes it is.

Anyways, as for the intro I actually started writing this like 3 weeks ago so yeah 😅😅😅

I'm allowed my iPad now, but only between and after school hours and only in the lounge room(sus right?) I'm still hunting down cameras that may be spying on me 🤔🤨

No hate ✌️

Published Friday 5 November

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