Babysitting Part 2

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Hello my fellow dragonites!
So... here we are with another chapter, I guess. I'm far too lazy to write an authors note rn so read on!

No hate ✌️


Heathers POV.

"-and you would be a great father in that case" I heard(and saw) Astrid saying back to her betrothed. I felt my heart race increase. Keep it together, keep it together, I begged myself. The chief of Berk was standing right next to me for Thors sake! Although I could feel his excitement. Did he even get excited? Woah okay Heather, calm down, calm down, I thought, mentally calming myself.

I looked over to the side and Stoick did a quick hand signal saying he needed to leave, probably back to Berk. I nodded silently and watched as he walked over and mounted Skullcrusher before taking off.

I stood there and waved innocently before running at full speed towards the woods. As soon as I made it to the clearing where me and Astrid often train together, I let it all out. There was screaming, squealing, jumping around, running, spinning, grass angels and even some excited tears. What can I say? It just comes naturally.

Astrids POV.

We just stood there smiling at each other for what seemed like eternity. My heart was going a million miles an hour(well we use kilometres where I come from, not miles, but this just sounded like it fitted better). We knew we would just be taking care of her for a couple days at the most, but something about this just felt right. Maybe... just maybe... this was a sign? A sign that we were destined to be parents one day? Probably not...

"We should probably go tell the others" We said at the same time, causing us to blush. Still holding Rosabell in my arms, we opened the door to our hut and stepped out. Nobody in sight. We just shrugged, very well knowing they would be in the clubhouse. And we were right.

As we walked in, nobody gave a care whatsoever. Didn't even look up from what they were doing. Typical. Snotlout was being constantly set on fire by Hookfang, the twins were wrestling, Fishlegs was studying, and Heather was- wait. Where was Heather?

In the midst of wrestling, Ruffnut pinned Tuff down so that he was flat on his back on the ground, and by chance he just so happened to see us in the process and realised what I was holding in my hands.

"Woah what happened here? That was quick!" He said, getting up and walking over to us. Me and Hiccup just glanced at each other, equally disturbed.(my face in this situation be like 😐😐😐)

I sighed and rolled my eyes before saying "no, Tuff. Don't even- just- no. This is Rosabell, Stoick dropped her off to us when we went into the hut to talk and we just have to look after her for a few days until she can go home again" I explained, making it CLEAR that it was nothing to do with what he was thinking about.

"Suuuuure" he said, eyeing us suspiciously. "Chicken! What do you think about all this? Am I right or am I wrong?" He said, quickly picking up his chicken that was pecking the floor at his feet and holding it up to his face. It gave an answering squawk and Tuffnut put his hand to his chin, thinking intently as he held chicken close. "Hmm... alright. The chicken has decreed that they are speaking the truth, and no foul play was committed here" he eventually concluded, catching everyone's attention. I'm pretty sure in this moment, everyone was thinking what in helheim??

Everyone sort of started noticing what was going on and began crowding around us, trying to get a better look. That was until Heather walked in. Everyone knew not to mess with Heather, especially if it was to do with anything remotely related to Hiccstrid(as she called it). She pushed her way through to the front, nobody even bothering to argue with her. Snotlout opened his mouth to speak, but got a decent death glare to the face, shutting him up in an instant.

When she got to the front, she stood in front of us, and her gaze immediately softened. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was- well... basically she was about to start fangirling. And I was right, as always.

*time skip coz I'm lazy af*

So after that thing went down, everyone just sort of went back to their day to day things. Except Heather. She mainly stuck around, and whenever we would be walking somewhere, we would turn around and see the end of a black braid disappearing behind one of the buildings. I just rolled my eyes at this and chuckled playfully. She really is a shipper, isn't she?

*yes another time skip coz I'm lazy af*

We awoke to the sound of crying. It must have only been one in the morning, because the sun wasn't up, and it was quiet other then the sound of toothless gurgling and trying to cover his ears. I tiredly slipped out of bed as Hiccup was a more heavy sleeper than me and was still fast asleep.

I walked over to where Rosabell was placed in our hut- the little basket also folded out into a makeshift crib and so she used that, and you can tell she had done this plenty of times before as she went straight to sleep when we put her down last night.

Gently, I picked her up and began rocking her ever so slightly, still half asleep. She quickly calmed down and I quietly tucked her in again, but I had only gotten a maximum of ten minutes more sleep and she started screaming again.

This time it woke both of us up. We both got up with a couple of tired moans and walked over to where Rosabell was sleeping.

"Ugh. Why is she crying at this hour?" I asked sleepily, still extremely tired. Hiccup just shrugged at my question- clearly as tired as I was. We shuffled over and once we got there, I picked her up again and gently rocked her in my arms. We both just sat down and leaned our backs up against the wall, still holding a crying Rosabell in our arms.

"Shh... your okay, your okay" I said quietly, not wanting to wake anyone else up. I mean other than Heather, who was obviously spying on us. I can practically detect when she's around. Eventually we swapped so that Hiccup was rocking Rosabell, and she eventually quieted down after about 20 minutes in total. We didn't want to put her back in her crib in case she started crying again, so we just leaned up against the wall on our bed and fell asleep with Rosabell in our arms.

Heathers POV.

I woke up to the sound of a baby crying. Hiccup and Astrids(now my) huts were closest together, but I wasn't surprised. I immediately sprung into action. Crying baby means someone will get up to get her- probably Astrid. Then in that case Hiccup will be up too, to help her sort things out or whatever. In total: crying baby in the middle of the night=hiccstrid.

My eyes were wide open and alert when I quickly got up and ran as fast as I could to Hiccup and Astrids hut. I didn't care how late/early it was- I was not going to miss a single moment! Alright yes I may be a psychopathic shipper warrior girl with a skill for killing anyone who dares get in my way, nearly even my brother at one point, but this- this was in the name of HICCSTRID! I knew for a fact my ship had sailed a looong time ago. But I was still enjoying it.

I stood at the crack in the wood that I was looking through earlier(I do a lot of spying. So what?) and saw Astrid glance over at where I was and give a small smile. Hiccup was kind of oblivious to what I do on a regular basis, but Astrid- she can practically detect when I'm around. She knows for a fact I'm a shipper.


So there u go! Another chapter done and dusted. Sorry for not updating earlier but I had REALLY bad writers block and my brain did NOT want to get back into the swing of things.

Anyways, I know Heathers POV at the end there sounds super OOC but not to me! I can imagine this happening so clearly- like the fourth wall was a window mum had recently cleaned.

Next: babysitting part 3
(Will probs be very short)

No hate ✌️

Published Thursday 25 November 2021

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