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Takes place just after httyd 2(maybe a few weeks or a month or so after?)
I just had a thought. Is it just me or do you think that there NEEDS to be a series of httyd between httyd 2 and 3?? We have dob, rob, rtte and more, but absolutely NOTHING after httyd 2. We'll, I mean I guess it's only a year after httyd 2 that httyd 3 takes place but still.

Okay, back to business.

So, I'm not sure how this one is gonna turn out mainly because I'm just bored rn and I'm making it up as I go along. Anyway, I hope it's not too cheesy or anything(who doesn't love a bit of cheese tho?😂) I remember reading a one shot like this a few years ago so if it's really similar to someone else's one than I'm really sorry!! Just tell me the book, chapter and author and I will make a few changes to my version if needed :) also, I saw this picture and I instantly thought it was ADORABLE. Like, omg. I'm such a weirdo 😆 not my work, credit goes to the creator.

Just asking but do you think I should start adding photos at the top again or not? Also, this one shot will be short and only have one part, k?

No hate ✌️


Astrid woke up with a start. She hadn't been able to sleep much these past few nights. The war with Drago was over, but there was one thing constantly nagging in the back of her mind since Stoic(how do you spell?) died. She was the reason he passed through the gates of Valhalla. Back when they got captured and taken onto Drago's ship, she had started threatening him by mentioning Berk and the 'Dragon Master'. He then vowed to attack Berk and take down all the dragons. During the battle, the evil bewilderbeast killed the king of dragons and turned Toothless against Hiccup, but Stoic jumped in front of him, saving Hiccups life but giving his own.(so I guess it actually kinda is her fault when you think about it... but I find it hard to believe)

She couldn't take it anymore. She grabbed her Axe from beside her bed and quietly ran down the stairs, so as not to wake her parents(her and Hiccup lived in different huts) and ran down to the cove, tears filling her eyes.

Once she got to the always quiet cove, she threw her axe at a tree in pure hatred of herself before falling to her knees and bursting into tears.

Was this really all her fault?
Did she really kill Stoic?(*edit* Why the f did I spell it like this!?)
She killed the chief.
Hiccups father.
The village wouldn't be grieving the loss of their great chief if she had kept her mouth shut. Not to mention the misery Hiccup would be going through.
And it was all because of her.

Before long, she heard the familiar sound of a dragon landing behind her.

"Astrid? Are you okay?" A familiar voice said with a hint of worry. She slowly shook her head, still facing away from him.

"I-I'm fine" she declared, sniffling. Now Hiccup was worried. Astrid never cried. Like, EVER. It had to be something serious going on.

"Astrid? What's wrong?" He asked gently, kneeling beside her and putting an arm on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. Astrid bit her lip in an attempt to stop crying and calm down. It didn't work. It was all too much and she burst into tears once again and whipped around to hug Hiccups neck.

"It's all my fault. I'm sorry" she admitted, much to Hiccups confusion.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, hopefully not pushing it too far.

"It's my fault there was a war and it's my fault Stoic died. If only I had kept my mouth shut. Please don't hate me" she said, almost hyperventilating in the process.

Hiccups face softened and he gently smiled before saying, "Astrid, listen to me, Drago was a bad man, he wanted war. If it weren't for you, he might still be out there. As for dad, he sacrificed himself to save me. I'm sure he's being treated like a king up in Valhalla. And as for hating you? I will never hate you. (Ah Here comes my fav line!!) There will always be a Hiccup and an Astrid. Always" He concluded, much to Astrids surprise.

"S-so you d-don't hate me?" She just wanted to make sure.

"I would never hate you. And I would never love you any less"

Toothless could sense their emotions and by now he wanted to try to comfort them. He slowly got up and laid down next to them, allowing them both to lay back on Toothless.

Astrid was still snuffling a bit so Hiccup laid down next to her and tried to comfort her a little more.
"Shh. It's okay, Astrid"

She layer her head and a hand on his chest and he kissed her forehead before gently laying his head on her shoulder, arms wrapped around her protectively.

Eventually, they both fell asleep on Toothless, who also fell asleep soon after, muttering, "well if they get to snooze then I get to snooze"


Ahhh okay that ending was pretty bad... but eh
Okay so I know I said I would be able to update until next week sometime but I'm currently sitting on the toilet lid at 6:15am writing this up bc I could not get the picture out of my head soon enough(*edit* what the-)! Ahhhh it's so cute!! I might not be able to upload for a few days or so. I have got an idea in mind tho:
Next- Made For Each Other
After that- T or D #1
After that- Dragon Speak
I'm still taking requests so send 'em in!

No Hate ✌️

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