Catching Part 4

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Alright I want to speed to the finish and get this done!! Nearly there!
Now just a heads up, this chapter will probably be very short sooo... yeah. But hopefully it will work!

No hate ✌️


No ones POV.

It has been 2 days since anyone had left the Haddock hut. Well, Valka would come and go, and offered to look after the kids whilst Hiccup and Astrid got some rest for an hour or so.

This particular morning, and the day before, Hiccup had become extremely protective over Zephyr. She was still sick- coming out of it, but sick nevertheless. He refused to leave her side, and wouldn't let anyone enter her room, not even Astrid, for fear of his other loved ones getting sick.

"Hiccup! Come out of there babe. You haven't eaten in hours!" Astrid said worriedly, frantically knocking on Zephyrs bedroom door. Nuffink was slumped over her shoulder, fast asleep after just having another feed.

"Astrid, it's fine. I'm not hungry!" He replied back. Everyone knew how protective the chief of Berk was of his family and friends. Especially his wife and kids.

Astrid sighed before giving in. There was no way he was coming out. "Alright, but you'll get sick!"

"That's fine by me. Just as long as you and Nuff don't get sick" he said, meaning every word. 7 years and his voice still gave her butterflies.

She signed before walking down the hallway and back into the large bedroom where she would spend most of her time these last few weeks. Months, actually. She gently placed Nuffink into the cot before sitting cross legged on the bed and reading a book. Well, it was Hiccups drawing book from a while back. She had "borrowed" it one day, and you can already imagine Hiccup was never going to get it back anytime soon.

*next day*

Astrids POV.

I woke up by the feeling of cool hands grasping my fingers. I slowly opened my eyes and looked over to see Zephyr sitting on the bed next to me, Hiccup nowhere in sight. I smiled knowing that she had definitely come out of her cold overnight, and I sat up to pull her into a hug.

"Hey, Zeph. All better today?" I asked sweetly, to which I got a big smile in response.

"Yeah! Is youz otays today?" She asked, clearly showing some of her father inside of her. She was so kind- sometimes I wonder what we did to deserve such an angel.

"Yes, Mommy's okay today honey" I replied. If I was being honest, I was a bit sore, but I still had a fairly high pain tolerance so it would be fine.

Woah woah woah. I think I'm having Asia fondue, something seems oddly familiar... 🤔

But seriously, I just had a moment- oh that felt so weird!

I looked around quickly to see if anyone else was here, but nobody was. I turned back to Zephyr and asked where daddy was. She said he was on the couch(did they have couches back then? No? Well too bad then I guess) downstairs. When I asked what he was doing, she just shrugged and wandered over to Nuffinks cot and looked down at him.

"Mommy, I wuv my ikkle bwuva" she said, still the slightest bit nasally. It always comforted me knowing she would always be there for her brother, and it was true- she adored her baby brother.

I smiled at her before saying "me too, Zeph. Me too" and decided to stand up and go see if Hiccup was okay. Knowing him, he probably got sick.

As I wandered into the lounge room, what I saw was exactly what I predicted. My husband was sprawled out on the couch, slightly pale with a box of tissues(or rags..? Idk) sitting next to him. I smiled and rolled my eyes as I walked over to him and sat down next to him, braiding his hair. Mainly because he wouldn't let me do it but he didn't have the energy to stop me this time.

"Astriiid..." he whined nasally, completely blocked up.

I just put a hand on his shoulder before saying, "see? I was right again" but even when he's sick, Hiccup is still good at sarcasm.

"Alright, but you'll get sick"


Alright so this was a lot shorter(well it felt shorter anyways) but I like it. It's definitely not the best- I'd say Catching Part 3 was the best one I ever wrote, but this is still cute I guess.

As you might guess, this was the last part. Wow that took so long to finish!! But it was totally worth it! I absolutely loved trying something different and writing this chapter! I think I might write more surrounding this time frame in the future!

Again, thankyou to Cleomlf13 for suggesting this oneshot/s!

No hate ✌️

Published Friday 19/11/2021

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