T or D #2

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*wakes up*
Ugh what day is it today?
*looks at calendar*
*screams loudly*

okay so as you might be able to tell by now, I absolutely hate Mondays. Just imagine:
You're all snuggled up in bed on WATTPAD and you decide to get up and check the time. And when you do, you find out it's Monday and you have to go back to school 😩😩😩
Let's just say I have a bad case of Mondayitis.

A big thankyou to Cleomlf13  for suggesting this dare!!

No hate ✌️
Oh and takes place during season 6 btw


"IM BORED!" Snotlout sigh-yelled, flopping back onto the grass.
"Same here!" Ruffnut shouted loud enough to get everyone's attention. Everyone shot her a sharp glare then went back to what they were doing. The gang had decided to take a break and head to a nearby island for some sightseeing- basically just telling the chief of Berk that you are scouting nearby islands as an excuse to go missing for a few days.

To get his point across, Snotlout continuously sighed loudly and grunted whilst trying to find a comfortable position on the soft, thick green grass. Should have been easy. But Snotlout had something else in mind. Suddenly he sat up straight with an idea. Tuffnut and Snotlout being "best buddies"(yes I know that was all the way back in season 2 just go with it, k?) Tuffnut already knew what he was thinking and rubbed his hands together, smirking evilly.

"HEY GUYS!" Tuff shouted frantically, jumping up with so much force he had to grip tightly onto Chicken just so she didn't get flung to the other side of the island. He ran right through the middle of the other riders and their dragons whilst shouting ear-shatteringly loudly and flailing his arms about like a madman, scaring the life out of them in the process.

"What is it!? Dragon hunters!?" Hiccup asked, panicked as he and the other riders began to saddle up again in advance.

"What? No! Even better!" Tuff replied, obviously forgetting that the Dragon hunters were on the worse end of the scale, not the better end.

Everyone was seriously worried now. When the twins got excited about something, it was often about something that was irreversible.

"WHY DONT WE PLAY..." He paused, adding to the suspense. He had been standing there pausing for two minutes straight before Ruff got fed up and hit her brother on the back of his head with Macey(is Macey even still alive in Season 6??)

"Get on with it you idiot!" She exclaimed, glaring at her brother.

"Alright, alright. Jeez way to ruin suspense, sis! Okay so as I was saying... WHY DONT WE PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!?" He continued, to absolutely no ones surprise. He glanced around and looked at each of the other riders. After some time getting annoyed to Hel and back by Tuffs irritable sobbing and begging on his knees, everyone gave in simply to shut him up.

They all sat in a circle(like in my other Truth or dare chapter) and began the game, starting with Ruff.

"Hey bro, T or D?" She said, rubbing her hands together maniacally.

"Dare, sis, dare"

Ruffnut, being Ruffnut, had already been planning a dare for her brother since last time they played...

"Okay then... I dare you to eat chicken" she proclaimed evilly, smirking as she did so.

Tuffnut being Tuffnut, could never in the name of Thor believe what his sister had just told him to do, and he quickly grabbed chicken and held her close to his chest with an appalled look upon his face. "NO! I WILL NEVER EAT MY BELOVED CHICKEN! HOW COULD YOU!?" This resulted in Ruffnut rolling her eyes at her brothers idiot-ness and feeding him a punch sandwich. "Oh I am hurt! I am very much hurt!"

"I said eat chicken, not the chicken!!"

Tuffnut gasped before saying "I will never eat chicken in front of chicken! And you did even bring any chicken!"

Ruffnut smirked at her brother before going over to a saddlebag that was thrown on the ground and out of it she pulled two huge chicken drumsticks she had packed in there for no particular reason. "OR DID I!?" she exclaimed as she turned around to face her brothers shocked and utterly... well... shocked... face. As Ruff spun around, Chicken let out a squawk of horror before fainting, legs in the air(omt 😂).

Tuff had his mouth wide open in shock, before giving his sister a glare and setting chicken down beside him.

"Well played, sis, well played. Chicken! Don't look!" He said as he gently rolled chicken over so that she was facing away from them. Reluctantly, the male twin reached out his hand to grab the chicken drumstick before pulling back. "No! I can't! I could never eat- mmph!" He was then cut off by a certain sibling, who rolled her eyes at her brothers reluctance and shoved the chicken into his mouth to get him to shut up.

He was shocked at what had just happened, but soon came back to reality. "This... this is chicken!? I love it! No, what am I saying?? I would never like chicken! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME RUFFNUT? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" He exclaimed dramatically, covering his eyes and spinning around to run into the trees with his feathery companion, leaving everyone staring in shock, but as soon as Tuffnut was out of earshot, everyone laughed until their insides were sore.


Omt I am SO SORRY for how long this took to upload!! I haven't been able to write much lately due to... eh, circumstances which you would know of if you have read the other chapters in this book...

ANYWAYS... once again thank you to Cleomlf13 for this idea and all your support!! It's really appreciated!! For those of you wondering, yes I'm still taking requests and yes the next chapter to be released will be Catching Part 2! Okay so to clear up any confusion, I started writing this on Monday like 3 weeks ago 😅... but still. Mondayitis sucks 😂

Ok I gtg. I'm supposed to be having a shower rn but I just wet my hair instead(in so sinister mwahaha)

No hate ✌️

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