A Stormy Night

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Hello everyone!! Damn, another chapter! I'm so proud of myself for catching up sorta 😂

So... everyone knows Astrids fear of storms right? No? Well I've decided that after she, u know, WENT FREAKING BLIND, it'd be a good reason for a fear. Oh not to mention some hiccstrid if u know what I'm saying here.

Anyways, on with the story!

Oh and btw in most of my rtte stories where Hiccstrid is dating, they share a hut. Imagine Astrids hut is now Heathers. What? Oh, just go along with it!

Hiccstrid is well and truly dating by the way. Obvs.

No hate ✌️

(PS: rn I'm listening to Leave a Light On by Tom Walker and it has SERIOUS storm vibes, so if u want to shed a couple tears whilst reading this chapter, u might want to listen to this!!)



Everyone was in the clubhouse having dinner. Everything was just casual, ya know? Everyone was fine, nobody was worried the tiniest bit about the storm. Oh hang on a second- how could I forget? This story is about a certain someone's fear of storms 😏

Astrid wasn't hungry. Mainly because her stomach was tied in knots. Tight knots, at that. She pushed the food- yak chops and veggies -around her plate whilst staring out the door of the clubhouse at the dark sky whilst gently biting her bottom lip. Nobody really seemed to notice her odd behaviour, that was until a massive clap of thunder sounded and she flinched back quite a bit, nearly falling off her chair in the process.

"Hey Astrid- are you okay?" Heather asked, seeing as her and Hiccup were the only ones who really cared at this moment. Well, apart from Fishlegs, but he hadn't worried too much as he knew how brave Astrid normally was, so he decided to stay out of it.

"Y-yeah I'm fi-fine" she answered back, voice trembling as her breathing was becoming shallow and unregulated. Heather and Hiccup glanced at each other worriedly before looking back at Astrid, who was still looking outside, trembling dramatically.

Hiccup began to get worried and put his hand on top of her now extremely shaky hand that was on the table holding her fork. She stopped shaking, but as another loud clap of thunder sounded, he soon realised that she was hyperventilating. The storm was incredibly close now. Even Snotlout, Dagaur(yes dagaur!) and the twins had noticed Astrids panic by now.

"Alright, how about we go back to our hut for the night Astrid? Sound good?" Hiccup asked calmly, his voice dripping with worry. Astrid nodded shakily, still hyperventilating quite heavily.

"Y-yeah..." Hiccup stood and helped up the young blonde from her seat- she could barely stand, almost falling several times before they even started walking. Everyone just sort of stared at them as Hiccup placed an arm under Astrids arms and another around her waist to help her walk straight, whilst one of Astrids arms was around her betrotheds neck for support, scared she would fall.

The rest of the gang watched as Hiccup helped a limping, shaking, hyperventilating Astrid out of the clubhouse in the direction of their hut. As soon as they were out of sight, Dagaur leaned over and asked "woah, what's wrong with Astrid?"

Heather just shook her head, looking down. She knew exactly why, but she wasn't going to tell Dagaur that just yet. Thor knows what he'd do...


Hiccups POV.

As we made our way back towards our hut, I concentrated on making sure Astrid stayed conscious. This kind of thing has happened before- nearly every storm since she went blind, however this was the biggest storm we have had since.

We were about halfway back to our hut when there was a large gust of wind followed by a clap of thunder. I felt Astrids knees give in, and she fell to the ground, crying in terror.

Astrids POV.

I felt my heart rate increase dramatically. I knew I was lucky to have Hiccup to help me through times like this, however this storm remained me so much of that night. The night I went blind.

We were about halfway there and the rain got heavier. We were both soaking wet, and then another loud clap of thunder paired with a sheet of lightning(when the sky lights up, not lightning strikes) silenced our eardrums.

I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. My throat seized up and I started to sweat. I felt my legs shaking- it felt as if they were twigs that had just been snapped in half. I collapsed on my hands and knees, shaking. My vision was blurry- little white dots welcoming my view. I could barely breath, let alone speak.

My heart felt like it was being stabbed, and my lungs felt as if they were being rubbed by sandpaper. I was still shaking, and began half crying in terror. I could hear Hiccup asking me if I was okay, and if I could stand. I simply shook my head slightly, but he seemed to get the message. He tried to help me up, and had a firm grip when I blacked out.

Hiccups POV.

I asked Astrid if she could stand, and she slightly shook her head, indicating "no". I tried to help her up and finish the distance, but as soon as she was standing again, she blacked out. These sorts of things have happened before, however this was our biggest storm yet and she had never had a reaction this extreme before.

I started yelling her name, but to no avail. Nobody at the clubhouse could hear me over the rain, so I picked her up bridal style and started running to our hut as it was also closest to the clubhouse. Once I got there, I laid her down on the bed and sat next to her. There was nothing I could do until she woke up, so I went and got changed out of my wet clothes into a dry pair.

I found a nice thick blanket in the drawers(let me guess: they didn't have these. Welllll... too bad!) and decided Astrid would probably be a little cold, so I placed the blanket on top of the one she already had on and laid down next to her. I wrapped my arm around her protectively and before long sleep took over my body.

*time skip*

I awoke to a large clap of thunder that had risen. I looked over to my right and saw Astrid half open, still incredibly tired. I quickly glanced outside- it must have been after midnight.

"Wh-what happened?" She asked, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"You just blacked out because of the storm" I replied. Yeah, I probably could have worded that better. Just then another large clap of thunder sounded, and Astrid let out a gasp before clinging to my tunic and digging her face into my chest. *fangirlinggggg*

I could feel her heavy breathing as she began to cry again.

"Shh, it's okay, Astrid. Your safe now" I wrapped my arms around her protectively, and I felt her calm down a bit. She looked up and wiped her eyes before saying:

"Thanks Hiccup. For everything"


Well hello there!
So here I ammm once againnn and here is the chapter! I hope you like it and tbh I especially love reading fluffy oneshots based on this so I decided to try it out for myself and write one!

Thankyou so much for over 700 reads on this book, and for...
Drum roll please...
On my "HTTYD MEMES!!!" Book!! Omt it means so much!!

Emily out!

No hate ✌️
Published Saturday 20th November, 2021

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