The Secret Gift Scraps #2

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Astrids POV.

I awoke to the sun glinting through the window and staring daggers into my eyes. At least it was a warmer day than a while ago. I hate cold days because nobody is in the mood to train- including me, and the dragons are always sleeping, usually crowded around the forge, so we ended up putting a few more fire poles up for them to rest on.

Not that my birthday was the best day of the year, but on Berk it's a big deal to turn 20 as this is the age where you are now considered an adult. (Yes yes I know nowadays it's 18 or 21 depending where u live and all that but I made this up legit 3 seconds ago)

I jumped out of bed and quickly put my armour on before heading outside. Just as I predicted- it was a nice warm day. I guess Thor was busy somewhere else. Not that I was complaining or anything. What to do, what to do... I thought to myself. I spent my last birthday at the edge and I couldn't even remember the one before that, so I just decided to do what I would normally do every day. Mainly training.

I was halfway to the arena when I felt a nudge against my shoulder. I spun around to see Stormfly standing there, bright and awake.

"Well there's my good girl!" I exclaimed, and began walking with her to the arena. When I got there, I'm guessing the twins had been torturing Snotlout there yesterday. I sighed before walking over to the pile of weapons that had fallen onto the floor and lazily threw them back into the crate. I wasn't in the mood for cleaning today. Especially after the twins.

Say, where was everyone today? Since I had woken up, I had only seen a few people weaving through the houses and gathering supplies. Nothing much. It was a busy time of year so I'm guessing everyone was just doing business elsewhere for the day. And those who I did see, I would give them a quick smile before they saw me and just hurried off. No Happy Birthdays or Good Mornings at all. Although I didn't really mind that much. I'm not the one to get emotional about things like this.

Actually, now that I think about it, I hadn't seen any of the gang today either. Not even Hiccup coming to say hi, or Snotlout being set on fire. Nor the twins wreaking havoc, or Fishlegs studying dragon facts. Where is everyone? I was a little confused, but I just shook it off.

Behind me, Stormfly squawked and began chasing her tail. "Hey you want to go on a little flight girl?" I asked her with a chuckle, to which she cocked her head up at me with agreement and we flew out of the arena.

Swerving through the sea stacks near Berk, I closed my eyes and laid back in the saddle. I breathed a content sigh. I loved just flying by myself and catching the wind. Whilst I am a hard worker, or "too hard working" as Hiccup would call it, to which I disagree, it's nice to just relax and unwind every once in a while.

I could feel the cool breeze flowing through my hair and small spray droplets of the ocean tracing my fingertips as we fly just above the infinite blue abyss that surrounds the shores of our home of 7 generations. Just me and my thoughts. And Stormfly.

"Well fancy seeing you here Mlady" a familiar voice said over the wind, slowly snapping me out of my thoughts. I sit up in the saddle and open my eyes to come face to face with a familiar pair of green eyes that I love.

"Hey Hiccup!" I say enthusiastically, trying to make it sound like I wasn't nearly asleep half a minute ago.

"Happy Birthday Astrid! How are you today?" He asks with a smile. As we land on a nearby sea stack, the dragons run off to play tug a war with a tree whilst me and Hiccup wander over and sit down on the edge.

"Good, you?" I reply with a smile. I just have had a look because his face turned to semi confusion when I said that.

"Alright, what's wrong?" He asked, clearly improving on his reading people skills. I guess I've been rubbing off on him a little.

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