Made for Each Other

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Hiiiiii! Okay I'm once again locking myself in the bathroom writing this and um yeah. I absolutely HAD to do one of these scenes!!! Ahhh it's just so cute in my opinion. I'm so damn weird 😆 I always really wanted to do one with Valka in it so here it is. Post httyd 2 btw(obvs bc Valka is here).
Next- T or D #1
After that- Dragon Speak
Okay I need ideaaaaas. Gimme dares, truths, requests, ANYTHING. Btw in T or D, Heather is sinister in a way. Mwahaha. Dw, you'll understand soon enough 😂
Btw this chapter is pretty short.

No hate ✌️


It had been a long day on the Isle of Berk. A day of chipping ice and rebuilding huts. Everyone on Berk was fast asleep. Well, apart from a couple of people, that is. Namely, the Haddocks and the Hoffersons.

"I'm going over to Hiccups for the night" Astrid called down the stairs from her bedroom to her parents.

"That's fine, dear. Tell him I said hello" Astrids mother, Lotus(I know her name is different but I like this name so too bad😂) replied. She, for one, was thrilled that her daughter had found someone she could put all her trust into. Someone she could rely on, someone that loved her the way she loved him. Lotus trusted Hiccup as well, knowing how much they really do love each other. Astrids father, Thomas(once again making up namessss) was not so convinced. He trusted Hiccup and all, but he wasn't ready for his daughter to be in a relationship with someone yet.

"Don't do anything inappropriate. You're getting to that age now" he said as an answer. (THAT my friends, is the closest I will get to that sh*t. And no, none of... that... happens. It is safe to read on)

"What? No, eww. Dad we talked about this!" Sometimes Astrids parents truly were embarrassing...

Anyways, she grabbed her axe and walked to the doorway, but as she was about to head off, Thomas grabbed her wrist and turned her towards him.

"Love you, sweetie" he said kindly, before letting go.

"Love you too, dad" Was the reply.

*time skip coz I'm laaaaazy af*

Valka watched from upstairs as there was a knock on the door. She adored how much her son had grown up. She watched as Hiccup opened the door. She loved how he would smile whenever him and Astrid were together. He was so helplessly in love with her. It had only been a month since the war with Drago and her and Astrid were already great friends. She was like a second mother to Astrid. And, in return, Astrid was like a daughter to her. (*edit* aww...)

Valka watched through a crack in her bedroom door as the young couple took off their armour and headed upstairs into Hiccups room.

She was listening intently, trying to hear their conversation. After about 20 minutes or so, all was silent. No terrible terrors crowing, nobody in the village dared to stir. Valka decided to see if they were asleep yet, out of pure curiosity.

She opened the door a crack and slipped through into the hallway as silently as she could, and then casually walked over to the door to her sons room and saw the door was open a crack. As she stepped closer, the tips of her fingers came to rest against the doorframe, after almost undetectably opening the door wider.

She leaned up against the doorframe and smiled gently at what she saw. Astrid was lying her head on Hiccups chest, who had his arms wrapped protectively but gently around her. Both young adults fast asleep. (*edit* commence extreme fangirling in 3... 2... 1...)

They were made for each other. Valka thought happily. She had been gone all these years, but she was glad to know that even though Stoic was gone, Hiccup had someone he could trust and rely on no matter what. And that, to her, was the greatest gift ever. Happiness.


Alright yes I admit the end is a little cheesy (🧀)(*edit* cheesy as hell) but eh. I like it. I'm currently imagining what this scene would look like in my head. Ahhh love it!!
I'm such a fangirl. What happened to me??? 😆
Ik ik, I need to practise a bit more on my writing skills but I'm running dry over here!
Next- T or D(mwahaha)
After that- Dragon Speak
Okay I gtg now. The toilet door doesn't have a lock soooo... gotta run!
Hope u liked it!
Also I should be releasing some more tiktok videos soon as well if I have time.
I'm doing my journey on the Eye of Eden in Sky: Children of Light. (*edit* not anymore guys I changed what I post to drawing)

No hate ✌️

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