Young Love

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Ok so it's like 3am and I was just walking back from the toilet when I HAD AN AMAZING IDEA FOR A ONESHOT. Woohoo!!(dont ask 😂)

Best not to ask why I'm up this early. But if u must know: It was like 1:30am and there was a MASSIVE storm outside. And I'm not exaggerating omt it was so loud it woke me up, and when I'm asleep, I can sleep through almost anything. Just ask my sis that!

So yeah now I'm awake, been on Wattpad for the past two hours and I don't plan on going back to sleep anytime soon. ON WITH THE STORY!

Oh wait *facepalms* duh Emily u forgot the description *eye roll at my stupidity*

Description: so Hiccup and Astrid are like 4 in this, and I'm not 100% sure of the details yet so let's just see how this plays out. NOW ON WITH THE STORY!

No hate ✌️


Aaaaaaand as soon as finger touches keyboard my idea disappear. Oh I got one!

No ones POV.

Stoick watched from afar as his young son, Hiccup, and another young girl, Astrid, went off to play. He was meeting with one of berks couples, (idk their names so let's just go with) Ingrid and Thomas Hofferson, who also happened to be friends of his. Not close friends, but friends nevertheless. They had also brought their daughter, Astrid Hofferson, seeing as her and Hiccup were good friends and they couldn't find anyone to look after her.

The Hofferson clan was in charge of the weaponry and training here on Berk, which was what they were here to discuss.

"Alright, so what I was thinking was that maybe we could use this tactic to..." Thomas started, handing a piece of paper over the wooden table in which they were sat. Stoick picked it up and looked at it intently.

Meanwhile, Ingrid was focused on what was happening over in the clearing next to them. She looked on as the two young children played chasey and hide and seek and things like that before collapsing onto the grass. They just sort of laid there making grass angels(like snow angels but in grass) before getting back up after receiving their energy again.

Soon the actual meeting had wrapped up, and now there was just friendly chatter. Stoick saw that Ingrid wasn't paying all that much attention and looked over to see the two young children playing together with the occasional playful squeal and laughter.

Omt I can think of so many things to go wrong just abt now but imma avoid that for the sake of not dying of cringiness😂

"They get along so well" Stoick exclaimed softly.

"I bet they will be great friends when they are older" Ingrid added, still looking at the duo playing in the small meadow.

They were now picking flowers. Astrid managed to find three small white flowers, only about the size of your nail, and the best Hiccup could find was an old dandelion that had wilted and was slightly brown already. They spun around to face each other. Astrid gave her flowers to hiccup, who then presented her with the wilted flower and some long grass to go along with it. The young girl looked startled for a second but then smiled brightly and took it, thanking Hiccup.

"Are you sure you like it? It's not great..." Little Hiccup asked.

"No, I love it because you gave it to me" Astrid said, smiling. Both kids slightly blushed and looked at the ground awkwardly smiling.

Stoick chuckled and gently shook his head. "Yep, that's Hiccup" he confirmed.

"I have a feeling they'll be more than just friends in the future" Thomas added, smiling.

Hiccstrid daily Book 1Where stories live. Discover now