T or D #3

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So here we are. Numero tres, as Tuff would say. I think. idk I dont speak great Spanish. Im more of a French girl tbh. Or English, I speak rlly good English. Is that too obvious? Yeah. Its my first language after all sooo... ON WITH THE CHAPTER! If anyone has any good truth or dares then I dare u to spill the dragon dung.

Now it's gonna be a bit different this time round. This doesnt follow off the other two- its completely separate. Oh that and it takes place just After httydthw(before Hiccstrid is married). Just trying something new, ya know?

No hate


It was a sunny day on New Berk. Terrible terrors were singing, Toothless and Stormfly were playing, and- wait... what's that? uh huh... yeah... and..? Oh... right... whoops. Sorry guys! My bad! What I meant to say was:

It was a drizzly day on New Berk. Crickets chirped, the twins were wrestling, and the day was downright miserable. The sky was dark grey, as was everything else it seemed. With the dragons gone, it was just... never the same. Sure it had already been a month since the dragons left, and a surprisingly large portion of the village had already been built, but it was still hard adjusting.

Astrid would bottle it up until the end of the day then go home and cry, Hiccup would still call for Toothless out of habit before realising he was talking to nothing, the twins had no-one to start fires with, Snotlout had less bruises and his scars and burn marks were fading, and Fishlegs would never stray more than a few feet from his stuffed Gronckle. All the other villagers seemed as if they were in mourning.

Today, however, despite the weather, the young adults(nearly said teens there haha *turns around* *starts crying* THEY GROW UP SO FAST!!) were all in a surprisingly good mood, as were the rest of the villagers crowded in the great hall. There had been a meeting that day that everyone had to attend, and the villagers were now all filing out quickly, wanting to get back home before the rain became heavier.

Once everyone was gone(except the gang ofc), 'Chief' Hiccup stood up from his spot at the chieftans table where he was doing some last minute paperwork or whatever(wow very formal *slow clapping*) and walked over to where the gang was sitting in a somewhat irregular circle. He came and sat down between Astrid and Fishlegs.

"So... what are you guys doing?" He asked as Astrid comes and sits partially in his lap, her head resting on his left shoulder.

"Just talking" Astrid replied tiredly, her eyes closed but no where near asleep.

Everyone nodded, much to Hiccup's suspicion, but he just brushed it off. Suddenly without warning, Tuffnut jumped up onto a nearby table as if he had been electrocuted, sending strange and shocked looks headed his way.

"Hey guys! I have an idea!" He yelled enthusiastically. There were mutters of things like 'oh no...' and 'not again...'

"We should play Truth or Dare!" He concluded, clapping his hands together and nodding so hard he could probably get whiplash as he steps off the table and sits back down in his position between Ruffnut and Fishlegs.

"Yes! We shall play dear brother! Or at least I will" Ruff says, mumbling the last part. Fishlegs nods in hesitant agreement. Snotlout smirked and kissed his biceps as an answer, making everyone gag. Eret agreed simply because he didn't know what it was.

"Yeah alright, but ONE game, got it?" Astrid said, putting emphasis on the 'one' part. All eyes turned to Hiccup.

He sighed before surrendering. "Okay, may as well. But you heard Astrid. ONE game and that's it" He said sternly. Truth or Dare never ended well. Like, EVER. "Alright who's first?" He asked after joining the circle properly.

"Oh! Oh! I'll go! Hmm..." Tuffnut pondered who he was going to target. "Fishlegs!" He said suddenly, causing the large man to jump. "Truth or Dare?" He asked him.

"Truth" Fishlegs replied warily.

"Aww you always pick Truth!" Tuffnut whined. "oh well. Okay then... do you or do you not love my sister?" Tuffnut asked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at the man.

Fishlegs gulped. "Uh... well- uh- erm... yes..." The blonde viking replied, looking at his hands, blushing profusely. "Anyways, Hiccup, Truth or Dare?" He asked the chief(ah that sounds so weird still!).

"Dare" He replied, half surprising everyone there.

"Alright" Fishlegs says after a minute of thinking. "I dare you to tell me what 'secret project' you've been working on" He said, and Hiccup just smirked and crossed his arms, shaking his head.

"Its a secret" He replied. Tuffnut looked at his as if to say "You didn't complete his dare". However, Hiccup just responded by saying "You said to tell you what it was, and its a secret" He then turned to Astrid.

"Astrid, truth or dare?" He asked, grinning widely.

"Truth" She answered, shocking everyone again- she would usually go for dare on most occasions.

"Alright then... what do you see 5 years from now?" He asked her.

Astrid fiddled with her hair before talking. "Well, hopefully we're married by then and perhaps have a kid, but I'm not sure yet. I also kinda hope that the dragons remain safe and peace remains" She answered simply, blushing a little at the start. Hiccup tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I like that answer" He said, smiling.

"Ugh! Break it up already!" Snotlout whined, interrupting the moment and therefore receiving sharp glares from Ruffnut and Astrid, but Astrid's glare soon turned into a smirk as an idea came to her head.

"Alright" she said, crossing her arms and smirking. "Snotlout, truth or dare?" She asked the somewhat annoying viking.

"Dare, obviously" He replied, flexing his imaginary biceps, making everyone around him gag and look away(including me).

"K, I dare you to let me punch you" Astrid said back, and behind Snotlout, she could see the twins nodding their heads up and down furiously, and Ruffnut pretending to strangle him from behind without a sound. Snotlout gulped before saying a simple 'okay'. It sounded more like a squeak than an acception.

Astrid leant forward and punched him in the jaw with her right hand. He was out cold immediately, and the blonde viking pulled away smiling, satisfied at her work. The twins jump up onto a nearby table and start cheering and doing a weird victory dance or something of the like.

"HA! That's what you get for ruining a moment Snotlout!" Ruffnut shouted, pointing at the very-extremely knocked out body lying on the floor, laughing hysterically. Tuffnut was just dancing because of the whole violence thing. He had been waiting to see that for a looong time.

"Alright now that dare was fun" Astrid chuckled before giving Hiccup a quick kiss on the lips and they all returned to their game.


Hope u liked it! Also, I'm thinking of just typing all my chapters on my laptop and publishing/editing off my iPad. Its waaaay faster that way. More chapters are coming soon(slowly)! Im also thinking of trying a modern oneshot but if I do, it'll be in 'My Brain and Whatever it Does During the Day' probably. I think imma keep this book modern free, and once I get to 50 chapters I'll start Hiccstrid Daily- Book 2, but that'll be AAAAGES away at this stage so dont get ur hopes up!

Also, abt Dimentions... I'm afraid to say I'm discontinuing it... sorry :(

All my other books tho I will be keeping! I also currently have abt half a draft of the next chapter for 'Running Away from Home' so it'll be a while but it'll arrive eventually!

No hate

17/12/2021(at like 9:35pm. What? I was determined to get it done!)

Hiccstrid daily Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora