Another land Part 4

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Okay. Let's hope this is actually the last part. Sorry not sorry abt the cliffhanger earlier. Tbh i was going to leave it at that but I know how much it sucks being left on a cliffhanger so... yeah. God, it's like 5am. Meh. On with the story!! Oh and btw, anyone got any ideas for T or D?? I have a few ideas but not many. I am totally bringing back THORS ALMIGHTY HAMMER!! I mean, who wouldn't?? Oh and Tuff is gonna have his chicken too. But what I'm thinking is... way season of rtte should it take place in? I'm thinking season 5 or 6, after the gang finds out abt Hiccstrid.

No hate ✌️


"Camicazi?" The word seems to rattle about in Camicazi's mind. How did he know her name? She had been hiding out for over 10 years. She surveyed him from head to toe and noticed a small scar on his chin. Then, something clicked into place in her brain. Could it be?

"Hiccup???" She answered, seemingly very surprised.

He nodded his head in response.

"How- how did you get here? How did you survive the dragon raids? Did you kill a dragon??" Was her question. She was absolutely bewildered.

Hiccup explained the story from the raid to when he met toothless to finding the edge.

"-and then me and Astrid were flying overhead and the current pulled us down" he concluded, after almost another hour of Camicazi listening with Interest. This was when she noticed 2 things.

"Two questions- first, how did you get a peg leg??"

"Fighting the red death"

"And secondly, who is that over there?" She asked, pointing towards a figure. Passed out against a rock.

"That's Astrid, she's the girl I was telling you about" he concluded.

"Is she okay?"

"She jut hit her head hard on a rock when we were thrown into the cavern"

"Um... you realise it's been multiple hours, right?"

"How many??"

"About 5"

Hiccup was stunned upon hearing this. How cold she have been out for 5 hours?? And there was no sign of her waking up anytime soon. Is she actually ok? What if she's really hurt? His thoughts were answered when he heard moaning behind him. He whipped his head around to see Astrid laying where he had left her, but with her eyes wide open and alert.

"Hiccup? Hiccup where are we? Hiccup??" She started asking, dazed and confused, making her panic slightly.

"It's ok Astrid, I'm here. We are in a cavern"

"What happened?"

"You hit your head on a rock. Hard"

"How long was I out for?"

Hiccup was about to answer when Camicazi cut in, startling her. "About 5 or 6 hours"

"What the-?"

"Relax, Astrid. Just an old friend of mine."

The gang must be so worried right now, Both Hiccup and Astrid wondered.

"Where are the dragons?" Astrid demanded, determined for answers.

Camicazi explained how she had seen a few dragons messing about in a nearby cavern and we could look there. Although, Camicazi was very confused as to why they needed to find dragons.

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