Babysitting Part 1

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Person: yo I wonder what this chapter is abt
Me: dude, read the title
Person: how did you get here!?
Me: heh. Oh uh- this is all a dream... dream... dream...

Alright so here I am! Yes, again! Ur probs getting sick of me by now but too bad! Not like im gonna listen! Anyways, another chapter here we go! Only 2 parts to this one shot btw.

Set during rtte early Season 6 (😏)

U can guess the summary!

No hate ✌️


No ones POV.

It was a warm morning on Outpost Island. The edge was secure, dragon hunters off the grid(for now) and clear, sunny skies as far as you could see.

Everyone in the gang was just doing their own thing- Snotlout was being set alight by Hookfang; Heather and Astrid were axe throwing in the woods; Fishlegs was in the clubhouse studying the dragon eye; The twins were causing havoc and Hiccup was trying to stop the havoc.

Suddenly, they heard the horn blow- signalling someone approaching. Soon enough, everyone was at the clubhouse where they saw Stoick and Skullcrusher landing on the wooden boards outside. As soon as he landed, Hiccup suddenly noticed that Stoick was holding a bunched up blanket. I wonder what that's for, he asked himself.

"Son, we need to talk. Astrid, I'm afraid I need to talk to you both" he told them almost instantly, being able to read everyone's faces as if they were made of glass.

The two teens just looked at each other worriedly. What if the hunters were back? What if there was a situation back on Berk? What if-

*someone slaps me over the head* oh hurry up!
Yeah yeah I'm getting to it!

The gang just looked at them before Hiccup and Astrid just looked at them and shrugged.

"Sure, what's up Dad? Something about Berk?" Hiccup guessed quickly.

"Well..." he started, before looking around and realising this might be a matter best talked about in private. "We should discuss this alone" he said after some silence between them.

"Sure, we can talk in my hut" Hiccup offered. Stoick didn't know the two teens were sharing a hut, and they never planned to tell him, either, so that detail was left out. Luckily, their hut was pretty tidy, apart from paper and parts of hiccups inventions scattered all over every desk and drawer, so there was no hint that they shared, thank Thor.

As they were walking away, Heather caught a glimpse of what was wrapped in the blanket and suddenly a wave of realisation hit her. She started choking up, and the rest of the gang just started staring at her.

"I- uh... I have to go train..." was her excuse to leave. She practically bolted through the forest, noises bubbling up in her throat, threatening to spill out any second. She made it to the clearing, threw her axe and hit a bullseye, and then she began jumping up and down squeezing her head off. And she fangirled for 5 minutes straight before deciding to take a breather.

And then continued for as long as she could. A very, very long time.

Anyways, when they walked into Hiccups hut, Stoick made them stand next to each other in front of him so that he could tell them the news.

"Now son, and Astrid. I have a very important mission for you two. The others can help of course, but be careful okay?" He said. By this time, both the young teens were very curious as to what was going on. They glanced at each other before looking back at Stoick.

Carefully, he lived up the blanket a little, and snuggled up tightly was the cutest baby anyone had ever seen. It looked up at the couple who were looking down at it with awe struck faces, although slightly shocked. The little baby cooed happily and started reaching out for them.

"Her name's Rosabell(what? I couldn't think of anything else!!). We need you to take care of her whilst her parents are away on a trading group discussion" he explained, gently handing the baby over to the young couple who took her happily.

"I understand all this, but why us? The edge is hours away from Berk" Hiccup asked quickly, but clearly excited.

"Well... a couple reasons actually. Firstly, there is less danger out here at the moment. It will be safer. Secondly, I couldn't think of anyone more responsible to do the job. We were going to go with Bucket and Mulch, but they are... well... you know. A tad strange. Thirdly, me and the rest of the leaders(so like Gothi, Spitelout, etc.) thought that it would be a good idea for you two to get some practise early on" Stoick quickly explained, not diverting the last point at all. Both the teens nodded in understanding. Well, semi nodded. They were still, as you would, a little startled at this whole sudden situation.

"All her needs are in this basket" he added quickly before handing Hiccup a basket covered in a blanket, like this one- 🧺 but obviously only has the one handle and has intricate dragon engravings and runes embedded in each woven fibre. He quickly exited the hut, leaving the young couple in peace.

He pretended to walk away and take off on Skullcrusher but instead circled around to the back of their hut and joined Heather in eavesdropping. There were some small gaps in the wood that him and Heather were looking into:

Hiccup and Astrid free facing the direction of where the eavesdroppers were. Both of them were still half in shock and half questioning the sudden arrangement, when they were distracted by a soft murmur. They looked down at the baby that Astrid was holding delicately and smiled. Rosabell reached her hands up and started to become slightly restless, so Hiccup let her fiddle with and suck on his fingers to distract her.

"Aww! She's so cute!" Astrid said, giving in.

"Yeah" Hiccup chuckled, agreeing with his betrothed. Eventually after another minute or so, Rosabell got bored and started crying softly.

"Shh, your okay, your okay" Astrid said calmly, gently rocking Rosabell back and forth, calming her down almost instantly as the little baby slowly fell asleep in their arms. Next Heather and Stoick saw the two young teens smiling brightly at each other before looking back down to the now sleeping baby.

"Okay, I think she's asleep now" Astrid added quietly, both of them still beaming happily and excitedly.

Hiccup smiled and gave Astrid a quick kiss on the cheek before saying, "you'd be a great mother, you know" he said, smiling.

The young blonde blushed and replied "well in that case you'd be a great father"

Stoick and Heather stood back, mouths wide enough to catch flies. The hefty chief did a hand gesture indicating that he needed to go. Heather nodded as Stoick and Skullcrusher flew into the sky and out of sight. She stood near the wall for a couple more minutes, excitement bubbling up inside of her. She ran into the woods and started squealing. Again. But hey why not right? Right??

Meanwhile, Stoick was doing some thinking of his own. "They really are made for each other you know, Skullcrusher" she started, half talking to himself as his dragon grunted in agreement. They will be great parents someday.


O. M. T.

I'm dying!! Aaaaaah omggg! Tbh I rlly wish they had an episode based off pure hiccstrid cuteness and babysitting and talking abt futures and stuff like that! It would be my fav ep/s for sure!! And is it just me or can you totally imagine Stoick being a shipper??

Anyways, as I said before, there is a part 2 to this and possibly a very short part 3 but idk yet. Will update soon!!

Emily out!

No hate ✌️

Published Saturday 20th November 2021

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