Viggo's Return

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Requested by @Cleomlf13

So this is probs going to be pretty cheesy too but oh well. Carry on!

Overview: So basically Viggo comes to New Berk just after Nuffink was born(Sure I could do just before buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I'm not entirely comfortable with it so maybe oneday but not today pplz!) and- wait why am I telling u this? U could just read and find out!

No hate ✌


No One's POV.

"Chief! There's someone at the docks!" Eret burst open the door to the chief's house in a half panicking state. "He says he's an 'old acquaintance'" Hiccup looked up from what he was doing. He turned to look at Astrid as if to say 'Were we expecting visitors today?' She just shrugged as a response to his silent question.

"Alright, I'll come take a look at the situation. Wanna come Zeph?" He asked his 3 year old daughter, who was currently scribbling in a notebook at her mother's feet. She looked up and smiled before running over and clinging to his (good)leg. Hiccup chuckled at this. "Alright come on then" He said, trailing behind Eret towards the docks.

As they were approaching the docks, Zephyr ran off to play with Maya(Cant remember what I actually called Rufflegs' kid so this is her name from now on), who was playing near the stream not far from the docks. However, as Hiccup neared the spot where a supposed 'old acquaintance' was waiting, he noticed that a crowd had begun to gather around what appeared to be a small ship- roughly half the size of Johann's ship(that little *beep*). People of course made way for the chief, however as he made his way to the front of the crowd, he saw multiple villagers frozen in shock; others murmuring to each other. And once he saw who this person was, he understood completely.


*insert dramatic and totally annoying ad break to raise the tension*


Hiccup stared at the visitor in shock. "But you were dead... how?" He stammered, not taking his eyes off the possible intruder. Viggo looked no different to the last time he was seen with the Skrill over 5 years ago apart from the fact that he had more wrinkles(idk why but I died writing this😂) and his beard was laced with grey hairs- only a couple.

"Ah yes Master Hiccup. Or, should I say, Chief Hiccup. I assure you all have many questions indeed" Viggo started, twisting his fingers together. Most of the villagers nodded.

"We... can discuss this at the great hall. Follow us" Hiccup added quickly, still half in shock that who had supposedly died when he was a teenager was still very much alive and well. Hiccup walked in front with Viggo trailing next to him patiently and the rest of the crowd a fair ways behind. Sure he trusted this man- he did save his life afterall- but he decided to keep a close eye on him just in case. If there was one thing Hiccup had learned about Viggo, it was that he was smart.

"Daddy!" Zephyr ran up behind Hiccup from out of nowhere and grabbed hold of his (good)leg so that he would have to stop. Smart kid! *claps*. Anyways, the chief bent down and picked her up and smiled at her as they resumed walking.

"Hey Zeph. What you got there?" He asked, nodding towards the small object that was encased in her small palms. She smiled proudly before opening her hands to reveal a small rock with pretty black waves and lines spread through it. "Ooooh good find!" He complimented, much to Zephyr's approval.

"Thanks! Me and Maya fownd it near the stweam" She exclaimed, whipping her head around and squirming a little so that she was able to point to the stream that flowed not too far away.

"I see you made a move with the Hofferson girl" Viggo commented, smirking(or doing that weird confident/smart smile thing he does).

Hiccup opened his mouth to speak however was cut off by his daughter who had turned to face the man. "Her name isn't Astwid Hofferson anymowe. Its 'Mommy', Mr Sir" She said back, crossing her arms at him.

"You can kind of tell" Hiccup replied, chuckling at Zephyr's reaction. She didn't even know who this dude was and she was backchatting him. Me as a kid lol. No, I still do that 😂 *eherm* anyways, back to the story shall we?

"Indeed I can" Viggo agreed heartily. "You know I never really thought of Astrid as a mother. She was always more of the worrior type. Is it just the one if I may ask?" He added.

"I couldn't agree more. Uh... two, actually. We have a son as well, but no-one besides close family is allowed to see him until the birthing ceremony, which is in 2 or 3 weeks I think" Hiccup concluded, to Viggo's expectation.

"Ah yes. Still a young one is he?" Viggo questioned calmly.

"Yes, still only about a month and a half old" Hiccup said, however questioning in his head whether he should be sharing all these details or not.

"Very young indeed" Viggo concluded as they neared the great hall. If there wasn't a crowd before, there certainly was now. People gathered in and around the great hall in swarms to see what was going on.

"So you see everyone, just as the explosion occurred, the Skrill used its energy to create a small pocket just around it to protect itself from the blast, which I just barely fit into. I had some burn marks, but nothing major. As soon as the smoke had cleared up, I saw that all the guards were laying on the floor, either dead or... well, dead. The arrows had also been ripped out of my back with the magnetic force of the blast, and although I was now bleeding heavily, I managed to survive and seek help on a nearby island. The Skrill stuck with me ever since that day until sometime around 5 years ago when he just flew away, never to be seen again, although I knew exactly where he was off to. I know about the Hidden World, I even searched for it, with no success Im afraid" Viggo explained to the large group of vikings that stood before him. Tuffnut put his hand up and waved it around like a maniac. "Yes, sir Tuffnut?" Viggo asked politely in his usual manner.

"Did you die!?" Tuff asked, clearly enjoying the stories, which was weird considering he always tried to bail on Johann's tall tales.

"Im afraid so, Master Tuffnut" Viggo replied, putting on a half mourning face. "But alas- I lived" He finally continued after some silence, smirking victoriously at his comeback(ice age: dawn of the dino's reference btw. Buck is the best!! Agreed?). Everyone started in shock at what the man had gone through.


Ok I have rlly, RLLY bad writers block and idk where to go from here so... there could be a Part 2 to this, simply. Anyone know anything that could happen in Part 2? Yes? No? Maybe so? I need ideas ppl!

And there's also the fact that I actually got pretty sick from my second vaccine and now Im just flat out tired and nauseous and headache. Fun right?

No hate ✌


Published 25/12/2021(All post covid vaccine stuff is gone and im back to normal)

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