The Dream

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Im back from my vacay(well, vacay-ish). Now if u excuse me, I have a chapter to write! Also it smells like smoke in here... Well nobodies doing a Snotlout nor a Hookfang so I think we're good. Its probs just some of the fires we lit in the paddocks(We have permission) so eh.

Overview: I cant even remember tbh. I guess its a dream... about... something to do with hiccstrid... or... er... yeah no ive had a total mind blank 😐 Welp, looks like im making this up as I go along then. Takes place during rtte... I... think... yeah, rtte. Probably. We'll see I guess.

No hate


The words of his betrothed ringed in Hiccup's head. 'So... What about our future?' The truth was, neither of them really knew. It was extremely super duper likely that they would get married and have children at some point, but they didn't know when or if. Anxiety was penetrating the young viking's veins. What if something happened? What if they broke up? What if one of them had to leave? OR worst of all, what if one of them died? What if Astrid died? What then?

He rolled over and yet again was trying to drown the thoughts out of his mind but to no avail. The what if's just kept coming. Over on his slap, a black dragon lay half asleep, tired and annoyed of Hiccup's restlessness but also partially concerned for him. The dragon stood up slowly and made his way over to the bed, where he sat down and rested his head on his rider's lap. Hiccup smiled and pet the dragon's scaly head and nose, eventually falling asleep.

-In the dream-

Hiccup awoke to find himself lying on the grass in the cove. What was going on? He assumed he had just taken an early flight and fallen asleep there for whatever reason. Standing up, he looked over to see a young boy approaching an all-too-familiar dragon. The young boy was certainly a fishbone, like him, and wore a brown fur vest over a green tunic that seemed to be slightly too big for him. The boy looked around 15, and shakily held out a fish to the dragon, who accepted it. Then it hit him- the dragon was Toothless, and the young boy was Hiccup himself. Just- younger. But why... and... how?

He then remembers what happens next. Astrid appears with her axe raised, telling him to get back for fear that the dragon will kill them. Then the whole image just- disappeared. It was as if he was falling through space- narrowly missing the stars, before he came to a rest just behind the chief's stadium at the race course(httyd 2). He stumbled a little with the sudden painless landing and poked his head out from behind the stadium and looked on to see the many cheering villagers as Hiccup stole a sheep from Astrid and then... dumped it into her basket? Well, now that he thought about it, that was something he would do. Wait- a painless landing? Does this mean-

His thoughts were cut off my another change. He was now standing behind two young adults with their dragons playing behind him in the grass. The little perch they were on overlooked the rest of Berk, which had changed a lot- dragons everywhere and the buildings were colourful and bright. Dad would never allow something like this... Hiccup thought to himself as he overheard the young couple's conversation.

"What about a quest to find it? The Hidden World?" The young man asked, looking over to the woman for approval. The young blonde stood up and paced around.

"Yeah I think we're going to need a better plan than that, Hiccup" She concluded, dangling her legs over the side of the cliff again. Suddenly, the world around him started flaking off and dissolving into nothingness, leaving only a black void. He could feel wind whipping trough his hair, and it once again felt as if he was falling before coming to a halt on the ground below with a thud. Well that was weird- I actually felt that, He thought to himself, confused.

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