Sick Day

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Now I cant remember the original idea I had for this chapter so Im going to improvise instead. Takes place a couple months after httyd 2 btw


*eherm* anyways, i'll just type it again... *silent crying*

No hate


*still silent crying*

No ones POV.

It was a sunny day on Berk. The ice was cleared, Stoick's statue was very nearly finished, and many of the houses were already rebuilt and/or fixed up. Perfect.

Except not perfect because all my work got deleted. Oop, sorry. I'll get on with it now. Continue dear reader.

*eherm* Anyways, just far enough to be out of sight of Berk, a certain young blonde and her deadly nadder were flying effortlessly over the waves and dodging sea stacks jutting out of the ocean. The duo loved feeling free like this. Astrid sat back in the saddle, laying down along Stormfly's spine. She could hear the rising and lowering of the waves that surrounded them for miles in every direction. She could feel the faint salt water spray the tips of her fingers and she leaned over the side, draping her fingertips into the ocean below.

With a sigh, Astrid hauled herself back up into a regular sitting position. "Alright, girl. We better go back to the village now" She exclaimed, patting the Nadder's neck, who squawked in response, and together they headed back to the awaiting village of Berk.

They landed in the town square, where some vikings were bustling about with their daily chores and running errands. Looking around, Astrid couldn't see her boyfriend anywhere. Looking back, she realised she hadn't seen him since yesterday afternoon. "huh" she said to herself, slipping off the saddle to see if maybe she just hadn't looked properly. After Hiccup was still nowhere in sight, the young blonde decided to go look for him. She soon spotted Valka talking to a villager nearby, and decided that maybe she would know something on Hiccup's whereabouts.

"Hey Valka" She said half shyly whilst walking up to her. Yes they had grown close over the last couple months, however Astrid still sometimes became nervous around her. She was Hiccup's mum after all, the woman who married Stoick the Vast and was supposedly eaten by dragons 20 years ago only to make a return and help defeat Drago Bludvist.

"Oh hello there Astrid. Anything I can do for ya?" Valka asked the young lady kindly. Astrid fiddled with her braid.

"Um... yeah I was just wondering if you had seen Hiccup anywhere? I haven't seen him since yesterday and neither has the gang" She explained to the older woman. Valka sucked the inside of her cheek, going through her memory. Eventually, she shook her head.

"Sorry, havent seen him today either. He's probably up in his room working on some drawings or preparations or something of the sort" Valka chuckled. It's true- Hiccup always overworked himself when it came to these things. It was pretty ordinary for him to be working on something and losing track of time. "You can go take a look if you want. Im sure he wont mind" She concluded with a smile.

"Thanks Valka" Astrid replied before hopping up onto Stormfly's back again and taking off towards the Haddock household. As she opened the door, it made a hushed squeaking sound, and the young girl stepped inside and closed the door behind her.

"Hiccup? Are you in here?" She called out into the darkness. She looked around to see that the house was unusually dim, and the only noise she could hear was her own voice bouncing off the walls right back at her. Strange, she thought to herself. Not even the fireplace was lit.

She continued up the staircase and came to the corridor that housed all the bedrooms. She waled into his study- nobody there. She then continued along the hallway and came to a drawing of Valka and Stoick when they were younger. Miss you Stoick. We all do. She then traced her fingertips along the wall towards Hiccup's room, feeling the wood against her hand. She saw that the door was open a crack, and the light was pouring out of it and spilling into the dark hallway that she walked through. Suddenly, the light was blocked as a dark dragon made his way out of the room and nuzzled up to Astrid, wanting pats.

"Hey Toothless. Where's Hiccup?" She asked, rubbing the dragon behind the ear. He warbled and wandered back into the room, Astrid following him. She opened the door slowly, making a creaking sound emit from it, however when she looked around the candle-lit room, she saw that nobody was here, either.

"Hiccup? Are you in here?" She asked quietly, and was answered by a mumble coming from the corner of the room. Astrid looked over and saw a figure hunched over the desk, sketching and taking notes. Toothless went and sat on his slab, heating it up before plopping himself down to supposedly take a nap. Astrid rolled her eyes at the lazy dragon before walking up to the figure at the desk.

"Are you okay?" She asked, leaning down to try and look at his face, but he turned away, shielding her view. She soon got tired of this and grabbed the pencil out of his hand and held it above her head. "Im not giving it back until you tell me what's wrong" She declared, still holding the pencil out of reach. Hiccup turned to look at her and she gasped. His face was paler than usual, his eyes were bloodshot and his nose and cheeks were a light shade of red.

"Astrid C'mon... Give it back please..." He begged, reaching up for the pencil weakly, barely able to move. His voice was quiet and he sounded extremely tired.

"Hiccup no. You're sick! How long has it been since you've slept?" She asked hastily, waiting for an answer as the auburn haired boy sits back down and puts his head in his hand.

"I dont know... a couple days..?" He said weakly, his voice partially cracked. Astrid stared at him in shock. She grabbed his shoulders and forced him down on the bed.

"You're going to rest. Now" She said sternly, hands on her hips.


"No buts young man! Sleep! Now!" She said, pointing towards the floor, meaning 'immediately'.

"The village needs their chief!" Hiccup said, defying her orders and sitting up again.

"They also need a healthy chief" She said, pushing him back down again but more gently this time. Hiccup crossed his arms and looked at her crossly for a minute, pouting, before letting his hands drop to his side.

"Fine. I'll rest. But only because you told me to!" He finally surrendered, much to Astrid's pleasure. She gave him a soft smile and kissed him on the forehead quickly before turning to walk out the doorway again.

"Good" She said as she walked towards the door.

"Can you please stayyy? Mum can do all the jobs. There's not too much to do now" The one-legged viking asked before coughing a little and clearing his throat.

"Fiiine" Astrid said, mimicking his tone.

"I dont sound like that!" He protested, chuckling lightly.

"Suuure you dont" the blonde replied, sitting on the bed next to her betrothed, gently combing her fingers through his dark hair.

"mhmm..." he mumbled back, already falling asleep he was so tired. Astrid rolled her eyes at him, smiling. Every time, she thought to herself. He may be a dork, an idiot, reckless, stubborn and slightly annoying, but he was hers, and she was his.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(laptop line break)

Well hope u enjoy and c u l8r!

No hate

Written 16/12/2021(on laptop)

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