Another Land Part 2

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Yo dudes!
This is part 2 of my first ever one shot!! Suggested by my sister to get us started :)
Feel free to send in requests! I'll do regular, runaway and modern au but nothing like mermaids and/or royalty.
Italics signify dragonese e.g. "these humans..."

No hate ✌️


No ones POV.

*time skip coz I'm lazy af*

"There, Stormfly! That's the sea stack." Astrid exclaimed as the blue and yellow dragon chirped in response and headed towards the spot where they *cough cough* Hiccstrid *cough cough* were set to meet. They soon landed on the abnormally large sea stack known as Flurtle(flamingo and turtle- also suggested by my sister) stack. However, when Stormfly landed, they turned the corner to see Hiccup leaning against a rock and toothless lightly snoozing.

Upon hearing Astrid descend onto the cool grass, Hiccup turned his head to look at her in the eye.

"What took you so long?" He teased, only to get a smart response.

"Oh you know, first off, I had the longer route and it's not my fault you ride the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself" she finished, quoting what Stoick had said when the dragon raids were still going, years ago.

"Haha, very funny Astrid", he replied sarcastically.

Meanwhile, Toothless had noticed Stormfly and her rider arriving, and immediately snapped awake and happily bounded over to her whilst their riders were talking.

"Hey Stormfly!" He happily exclaimed, much to Stormfly's joy.

"Oh hey Toothless!"

"So, what brings you to Flurtle Stack at this hour?" Toothless question with cheeriness in his voice. (Mind you it was late afternoon by now)

"My rider wanted to go on some rounds and then we ended up here. What about you?" She cleverly answered.

"Same." Was the response she got, as expected.

"Hey, where are those two?" Stormfly asked sceptically, already knowing the answer. Toothless just shrugged, also knowing the answer. They heard talking coming from behind a rock wall and decided to investigate simply in an attempt to move things along as they were bored of this shenanigan.

They looked at each other before heading over to see what was going on, even though they already knew quite well.

Toothless was the first to approach and silently poke his head around the corner just in time to see Astrid and Hiccup share a passionate kiss. This is exactly what the two dragons expected, but Toothless wasn't keen nevertheless.

"Nope nope nope nope nope I'm out" he exclaimed whilst jumping backwards and completely turning away, totally grossed out by the whole ordeal.

Seeing his reaction, Stormfly raised a non existent eyebrow and went and looked to see what the other dragon was on about. Seeing the sight, she rolled her eyes before casually turning away.

"These humans..."

*time skip bc I'm lazy af*

"Okay, so nothing so far..." Astrid started. They were currently flying above the ocean, no islands or enemy ships in sight.

"That's weird... you'd think there would be at least something around that we would need to take care of..." Hiccup replied trailing off, completely caught up in his own thoughts. Toothless could sense this and warbled, slightly shaking his head to snap his rider out of it.

"Huh? What?" He exclaimed, being brought out of his trance. Luckily for him, Astrid didn't notice this sudden change in behaviour, as she was focused on something in the distance.

"Hey Hiccup?"


"What's that?" She said, pointing towards something shimmering unnaturally in the distance.
"It doesn't look like an island, and there are no whirlpool mappings around here either, nor any unknown dragon species" he replied, looking through his spyglass, then passing it to Astrid to have a look.

"Hmm... weird... it doesn't look like a ship either. Let's go investigate" She replied hastily. Hiccup was about to argue but decided it was no use, so they sped up their dragons instead, but still keeping a safe distance from the mystery object, however, the closer they got to it, the more it would seem to disappear into thin air.

They eventually came to where the shimmering object was spotted, however, there was nothing in sight.

"Where did it go?" The riders questioned in sync.

All of a sudden, a wave came up out of the water, encasing the dragons and their riders in a dome of water, before being pulled downwards into the ocean, travelling quickly and unknowingly through a network of underwater currents, before both Hiccup and Astrid blacked out.


Hi! Sorry it took so long to update!! I had to spend 6 hours in the car yesterday and I had no wifi or Telstra so I couldn't update. I also will not be able to update as often, maybe only once or twice a week now bc I'm not allowed to use my device(I'm using it in secret rn)

No hate ✌️
Posted 7/10/2021

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