Catching Part 3

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*insert talking into fan noise* helloooooo
I am heeeeere. Yes I'm aliveeeee. *stop fan noise*

Alright so yep I'm alive y'all! Sorry for not posting! I was meant to start his yesterday but unfortunately it's that time of the month again if u know what I mean soooo... yeah I'm in a lot of pain. Currently curled up on the couch waiting for painkillers to kick in. Fun right??

Anyways, here is catching Part 3, hope you like it, last part, yada yada ya.

No hate ✌️


Astrids POV.

Slowly, I felt my heavy eyelids opening and being greeted by the bright light of the morning sun. I slowly sat up and dangled my legs over the side of the bed again, holding my breath as I was expecting at least some pain. But there was none. I even managed to stand up and walk around the room. No pain whatsoever. I felt great!

Buuuut of course family comes first. As a result I quietly shuffled over to the cot(crib, whatever ya wanna call it) and checked on Nuffink- our newborn son. Don't ask me about the name- it was Hiccups idea. Well, it was actually Tuffnuts idea, so don't ask how we came to THAT conclusion. Although the name has grown on everyone.

He was just lying there, awake. Well, half awake. That was until he started crying. I guessed he was hungry so I gently picked him up and got him to quiet down before feeding him(from a bottle just to be clear!! It just makes some parts of the story easier). Looking around, I realised it must be around mid morning, and nobody is here apart from me and Nuffink. And possibly Zephyr, unless she went out with Hiccup, which she often does.

Either way, whilst holding and feeding Nuff, I walk over to Zephs room just to make sure she was awake and feeling better. But as I reached out to open the door to her room, I heard a soft voice singing quietly.

"I will swim and sail on savage seas
With nye a fear of drowning"
(Idk the rest of that song)

My heart melted at the words. I would remember that song anywhere. It was called The Dancing and The Dreaming. I silently opened the door wider until it was completely open, without anyone noticing as Hiccups back was to the door. I gently leaned my shoulder and head up against the wall, slightly rocking the hungry baby back and forth whilst humming the tune in my head.

After a good few minutes he finished the last not and that's when I decided to cut in.

"You know, I really liked listening to you" I said with a slight smirk plastered across my face. He jumped and nearly fell off the chair before looking up and seeing it was just me. I held my free hand over my mouth to stop my uncontrollable laughter from waking up Zephyr. Hiccup just smiled and rolled his eyes at me before walking over and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"How's the little fella doing this morning?" He asked quietly, and we were both still standing in the doorway of Zephyrs room. Gently, he reached down and ran his fingers through Nuffinks striking blonde hair, to which he gurgled happily in response.

ALRIGHT I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!! Imma just vent right here, right now bc surely at least some ppl will agree with me but as I was writing this I swear I fangirled and "awwed" so much that I'm actually crying!! I think if I keep going on like this I might actually pop an artery or something!! Cuteness overload! Now imma just ignore my own warning and keep writing. Enjoy!

"I still think he looks just like you" He said, smiling at me lovingly.

"He's doing good this morning, hungrier than usual but he was asleep most of yesterday. As for your compliment, I'd say both our kids have both our traits" I said, returning the smile. He held out his hands and I gently handed the now sleeping baby over to him. I glanced over to Zephyr who was still fast asleep in her bed, one arm and one leg hanging over the side.

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