Chapter 47

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Yujin jolted up from the bed the next morning, breathing heavily while trying her best to clear her vision, feeling sweat built up on her temples.

She barely managed to fall asleep last night, eyebags clearly visible.

She glanced to her left to see Minju still sleeping and realised, none of that was a dream. She hoped it was, but scenes are way too clear for it to be.

She turned and sat on the edge of the bed, seeing that it was 7 in the morning.

Training starts at 8 am.

The girl wiped her sweat off with her forearm and ran her fingers through her hair.

Yujin exhaustingly stood up and made her way to the bathroom, accidentally kicking a bag, causing pieces of paper to drop out.

The latter rubbed her eyes and squatted down, slowly picking up the pieces of paper, seemingly folded into little hearts. She squinted her eyes and recognised the yellow coloured papers.

Yujin sat down on the floor, crossing her legs as she slowly opened it up, seeing how it had words she wrote for Minju while she was away at the camp.

Unknowingly, she let out a small smile, realising that the older girl kept them but she immediately got reminded of the horrific scene that happened last night.

Yujin inhaled shakily, stopping when she noticed something else written at the back of the small paper she was holding. She furrowed her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes.

'Thank you for taking care of me'

Yujin glanced at the sleeping girl before curiously reaching for another piece.

'You're the first person that made me go out of my way to learn how to flirt, but I'm still bad at it'

She scoffed softly and took another one, slowly unfolding it.

'I miss you too but don't hold your fart for too long because you might die'

Yujin wiped a lone tear that slipped out with the back of her hand. "What is this..." No matter how broken she felt, she found the need to laugh but she couldn't.

'I'll listen to you whenever you like. Don't keep everything to yourself, okay? I'll always be here for you'

She sniffed and took the second last one.

'Please keep on missing me. So I'll get reminded that there's someone who loves me'

Yujin used her sleeve and wiped her tears, feeling herself tremble slightly as she unfolded the last piece of yellow heart.

'I love you'

She held her breath to stop crying, fanning her tears away but it didn't quite work. She ended up sobbing for a good 5 minutes, her shirt heavily drenched and her arm stained with her tears.

Once she managed to calm down, she looked at the pieces of paper scattered on the floor.


The girl panicked, not knowing how she's going to fold everything back because she has no idea how to.

But after a few minutes of trying to fold against the lines, she kinda did it and put it back to where it came from, noticing how it was already 7:30 am.

Ignoring everything, she quickly freshened up and changed into her track attire, grabbing her things before tying her hair.

She glanced at an item on the bedside table, feeling her heart clench as she slowly walked towards it.

Actions Don't Lie, Jinjoo (AU)Where stories live. Discover now