Chapter 27

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"Aigoo!" Minju grunted as she placed Yujin down on the bed while she stood up and stretched her back as if she were some grandma.

"Ah~ my nest." the younger laid down and smiled while Minju looked at her all comfortable, remembering where the girl came from.

"Yah. You need to shower." the older pulled the girl to sit up which earned a small whine. "But I'm tired." Yujin looked at Minju who shook her head and lifted her to stand up as she put the younger's arm over her shoulder.

She pulled out some random clothes from the wardrobe while supporting the latter into the bathroom.

"Wait a minute—why are you following me?" She lifted a finger and blinked a few times, looking at Minju who was closing the door behind her.

"What? You need my help." the older casually held onto the end of Yujin's shirt and lifted it but the younger widened her eyes, hastily stopping her hands.

Minju looked at her blankly. "Why? I've seen it before."

"Seen what?!" Yujin accidentally raised her voice which startled the older girl and limped backwards a little bit, gripping on the sink for support.

Minju snickered softly and cockily raised an eyebrow. "You took off your shirt in front of me and even tried taking off your pants." the older pointed at her whole, causing Yujin's cheeks to flare up and gulp.


"Actually, you did take off your pants. The trip. How did you think you got changed?" The younger put her face into her palm and started breathing shakily.

"You're s-saying you've seen...everything?" she asked Minju who had a small smirk plastered on her face.

"Nope. Just here, here, and here." She tapped on her shoulder, stomach and legs before smiling innocently, making Yujin frown.

"Here, here, no?" she pointed at her chest and pelvis area while Minju shook her head as she let out a sigh of relief.

"Ah here too." she tapped on the younger's ass while Yujin pressed her lips together, looking at Minju with a face of disbelief. "That one I saw. You have a cute ass."

Yujin hopped on one leg and held onto Minju's shoulders as she pushed the girl out of the bathroom.

"What if you fall?" The older worriedly asked while holding onto Yujin's arms.

The taller shook her head. "I can do it." She told Minju but the girl didn't let go of her.

"Don't get water on your knee." She reminded her before Yujin hummed, opening the door and hopping back into the bathroom, leaving the older outside.

"Don't call me if you fall!" Minju shouted and heard an okay from Yujin.

She went to the younger's bed and laid on it, letting out a big sigh, putting her arm over her eyes.

"Am I going too fast?" she mumbled, giving in to her thoughts and waiting till Yujin finishes showering.


"Kim Minju!" Yujin shouted from the toilet but heard no reply.

"MINJU UNNIE!" The older girl opened her eyes and hastily ran towards the bathroom with her unnie senses heightened.

She instantly stopped at the door with the chocolate milk in her hand that Hyewon gave a few minutes ago.

"Why, why? What's wrong?" she asked from outside, rubbing her eyes as Yujin frowned and let out a small sigh.

Actions Don't Lie, Jinjoo (AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora