Chapter 14

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Next day...

Minju was walking along the corridors, feeling a little frustrated because Yena who was supposed to take the class with her didn't show up.

Suddenly, an arm went over her shoulder, making her look at the person to see Yena chuckling awkwardly.

"Why did you skip the class?" she frowned while Yena nervously rubbed her neck.

She looked at the girl and narrowed her eyes, seeing how she was walking awkwardly and has very faint marks on her neck, realising what happened.

"She really did let you fuck her, didn't she?" Yena nodded before smiling and putting her arm around Minju's shoulder again. "How was she?" Yena glanced at her.

"Perfect. She liked me too you know? She's 25. And she's my girlfriend now." the girl proudly said while Minju scoffed lightly. "Good for you then," she replied while raising both eyebrows.

"Can you see?" Yena asked while tilting her head, showing her neck. "No, you did well with the concealer."

"Why are you following me?" Minju asked while the girl shrugged. "Let me tag along, I don't have class."

"Your ankle is okay now?" Yena asked while Minju nodded. "I still can't go back to training though." the girl sighed while Yena narrowed her eyes at her.

"Since when do you like training?" Minju pressed her lips together and frowned at her.

"Ahh...I see. You only like it because you can see her, isn't it?" she teased Minju who jabbed the side of her stomach.

"Yes," she answered as a small smile elicited through her lips.

Yena shook her head. "Whipped."

Later in the day...

Yujin took a break from running and sat down on the bench, watching her other teammates run. She was about to grab a bottle but realised she forgot to bring one.

Suddenly, a bottle of water appeared in front of her eyes, startling her a little as she looked at who it was.

The girl scoffed softly before receiving the water from her as Minju sat down beside her, putting her hands into her pockets, letting out a hefty sigh through her nose.

"You're walking?" the younger uttered as she twisted the cap open before taking a sip, side-eyeing Minju.

The older girl hummed and showed her leg to her which made the younger nod. "Good. I don't need to carry your heavy ass around again." she giggled which made Minju frown at her.

"What are you doing here?" Yujin asked and leaned forward, resting her forearm on her thighs before glancing at Minju. "To see you." the taller blinked a couple of times and cleared her throat.

"I can't train anyway." Minju shrugged and leaned back onto the bench.

The younger girl suddenly sneezed which startled Minju as she quickly took out a piece of tissue and handed it to the girl.

"Did you catch a cold?" Minju frowned and pulled Yujin to lean back against the bench to see the girl giving her a dimpled smile. "Nope." she cutely uttered while Minju heaved out a small sigh.

"I'll go back now." Yujin stood up while the older nodded but held onto her wrist. "Wait," she spoke, making Yujin confused for a second, seeing how Minju bent down in front of her.

The older girl let out a small sigh and quickly helped her tie one of her shoelaces that came undone.

"Do you not know how to tie your shoelace? I always see it coming off." she stood up and looked at Yujin who let out a small giggle.

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