Chapter 13 (M)

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Next day...

Yena walked around her room while preparing for her date with the girl she saw at that bar. They have been talking during their free time since Yena's pretty busy in school plus the older girl had things to do. 

Minju and Hyewon watched as the duck walked back and forth, thinking about what to wear when she suddenly stopped in the centre. "Why are you even thinking this much?" Hyewon said while looking at her.

"She invited me to her friend's party or gathering and I've never really gone out with her or anything. Only texting, which means I barely even know her. How am I going to make a good impression?" she said and brushed her hair backwards before putting her hands on her hips. "She must already like you then," Minju commented while they looked at her.

"No ordinary person would invite a stranger to their friend's party unless they take interest in you," she added while they nod their heads in agreement.

"Ah. You better bring some..." Minju pointed at the top drawer, knowing how Yena is like which made them look there, a smirk rose on Yena's face. "But do you think she's that wild though? Do you fuck your first dates?" Hyewon asked while Minju tilted her head.

"Don't ask me," she said as they looked at the duck.

"Depends?" she shrugged too as Hyewon shook her head. 

"You better not let the same thing happen to you." the girl warned while Yena sighed heftily before pressing her lips together.

"Bring a few just in case. She told you her address, right?" Yena nodded while Minju folded her arms. "But that could mean she expects me to bring her home if she gets drunk," Yena said while Minju puckered her lips.

"Or she wants to fuck you." the girl added while Yena's face showed a hint of excitement.

She quickly turned around and took a few packets and by a few, she meant a box containing 10. "What? You said I gotta be prepared." Yena said when she saw her friend's faces.

"Do you think that girl would be scared?" Hyewon asked Minju who looked at Yena before shaking her head. "She'll have fun."

"Sucks that this duck has more fun than me," Hyewon said while pouting as Yena changed out into a black Calvin Klein shirt before putting a white hoodie over.

The duck waited for Yuri outside that same cafe where she found her, about to pick her up to go to wherever Yuri has said. 

After a few moments, the cafe lights turned off, signalling that it's closing time which also means the night has come.

Yena saw a girl walking out of the cafe before locking the door as she waved to the girl before standing up properly. The girl unknowingly let out a small smile upon seeing Yena and slowly made her way towards her. 

"You're early," Yuri said when she reached Yena while the girl opened the passenger seat for her. The duck then went around and got in the driver's seat, buckling up as she looked at Yuri.

"Most of my dates usually turn up really late even though they just do nothing and sit around all day. Plus, you're a student. It's impressive." She said while Yena nodded proudly. "Why would they turn up late when their date is you though? People be dying to even meet you." the duck said, earning a soft chuckle from Yuri while focusing on the road.

"About this it a gathering? Or a party, party?" Yena curiously asked which made Yuri glance at her. "The second one. But it's mostly people around my age though, you don't mind, right?" the younger shook her head and gave a small smile.

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