Chapter 25

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Next morning...

Minju slightly groaned and stretched her legs out, fluttering her eyes open before letting out a small yawn, hand patting the space beside her, realising that there is space.

"Oh shit," she mumbled and rolled onto the side, looking down from the edge of the bed to see Yujin sleeping soundly on the floor, all wrapped up like a burrito within the blanket she took with her.

"No wonder it was so cold..."

The older girl tickled Yujin's stomach a little as the girl groaned, shifting a bit only to hiss in pain.

"Ow..." she grunted and opened her eyes to see Minju in front of her as the older pulled her to sit up, slowly making her sit on the edge of the bed.

"What happened?" the younger looked at her hand which had a cut on it, remembering how she took the bandage off when she showered.

"You rolled down the bed, silly," Minju said as she went to her bag and took out some antiseptic before sitting beside Yujin, dabbing it onto her wound which wasn't as painful anymore.

The younger faintly rubbed her eyes using her free hand, recalling whatever that happened last night.

Minju finished applying the medicine and threw the cotton bud away.

She gently pasted a big plaster over it before the younger wrapped her arms around her, pushing her onto the bed, "Aigoo." making Minju chuckle as Yujin closed her eyes, still feeling drowsy.

"I think you kicked me off the bed." the taller mumbled into her neck.

Minju raise her eyebrow and look at her. "Did I?" Yujin lifted her head up and looked at her, giving her a blank stare before laying down again.

"My ass hurts," she complained while Minju helped rub her ass which made the younger groan in pain.

"Still hurts?" she asked, earning a small nod from Yujin.

"Yah, yah." the younger mumbled into her neck when she felt Minju grope her ass, making the older laugh.

She smacked it once before sitting them up, looking at Yujin who was frowning at her.

"What?" she asked. Yujin rummaged her fingers through her hair and stood up, her head immediately throbbing as she sat back down while holding onto her forehead.

Minju laughed softly. "Weak." she teased before standing up, pulling her up and making their way to the bathroom to do their morning routine.

The duck grunted and shifted a little, waking up to see Yuri hugging her like a baby, making her snicker softly.

She slowly caressed the older girl's forehead before lifting her arm, scooting out of her embrace and made sure not to wake the girl up.

Yena stretched her whole body, suddenly feeling subtle pain around her neck and touched it, hissing when she felt the tenderness of it.

She furrowed her eyebrows, blinking a couple of times as she reached down and lifted her pants up slightly, taking a look, tilting her head in confusion before looking at Yuri.

"Hm?" she hummed and scratched her head, getting off the bed as she walked towards the bathroom right outside their room to see Hyewon waiting for the toilet too.

"You had a huge leech in your room huh," Yena raise an eyebrow while the girl used her lips and gestured at her neck.

"You know what's funny? We didn't do anything last night." Hyewon gave her an unamused face which made Yena frown. "You sure?" the duck scoffed.

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