Chapter 4

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Next day...

"Hi everyone!" The vice president of the music club greeted the freshman sitting on the floor, clasping her hands together. "My name is Jang Gyuri and I'm the club's vice president. This is Hwang Hyunjin and he's the club's president." She announced and earned a small round of applause.

"Our music club was found more than 30 years ago and has been the spotlight of the university." He started while looking a little cold. "But this year...I heard that many of you joined our club because of some girl." He said with hands in his pockets, looking unimpressed while Minju leaned against the table and watched him talk, scoffing lightly before looking away. Everyone looked in her direction while she avoided their eyes and admired the scenery outside.

"If you're here to chase a girl, stand up and kindly leave. I don't have time for you to mess around." He pointed to the door, firm with his statement while people started looking at each other. Almost 3/4 of the students stood up and left while Yujin stayed seated, looking at them leave which made the members sigh heftily.

"Hold on!" Hyunjin spoke while they all turned to look at him. "As long as you have a passion for music...we don't mind how it all starts." He rephrased his statement which made the students go back to where they came from and seated down.

"Okay, welcome everyone to our music club!" He extended both his hands to welcome them while everyone clapped happily, some even clapping like seals. There were girls and guys screaming at the top of their lungs, knowing they are in the same club as Minju. The girl just gave an uninterested look while Yujin looked at her with a slight smile on her face, nodding a little which made Minju narrow her eyes and look away, finding her weird.

"First of all, we will be having an audition to see whether you are able to at least play the basics of any instrument. But for the first years, you all will start with the guitar. Those with guitars can head back to practice but those who don't have one, you may borrow from the school, but you can't bring it home. That means you'll have to stay here to practice."

Yujin subtly glanced at Minju who was sitting on the table and swinging her legs, not caring one bit. Everyone stood up and dusted their pants before heading to the front of the room to collect the guitars provided by the school.

"It's surprising to see you here," Gyuri said and handed the guitar to Yujin who smiled at her. "Yup, I'm surprised myself too." She replied before sitting down on one of the benches in the music room.

Yujin's pretty popular around this area, regarding how she was a former trainee in a high-end company. Plus, her visuals are god-like. She's literally acquaintances with everyone. Most of the seniors from her high school also come to this University, explains how she knows them.

"Come, I'll teach you the basics first and you can memorise them, perform it during the audition." Gyuri offered which Yujin didn't mind since she barely knows anything about the guitar despite being a trainee. Other members of the club also went to teach those who are new to the guitar.

"Your fingers are long, so I don't think you'll have difficulty reaching the whole fret," Gyuri told Yujin who nodded before positioning Yujin's finger to play the C chord.

"This is the first chord you'll learn and it's called the C chord. The most basic. Try it." Gyuri said while Yujin strummed once but a funny, out-of-tune sound came out. "Is this right?" Gyuri shook her head. "Try pressing harder," she asked while Yujin pressed harder but her fingertips are already hurting. She strummed again and a weird sound came out.

"Harder," the senior commanded but Yujin looked at her and pouted. "My fingers hurt." She said which made Gyuri try pressing on her own. "Oh, this guitar's string is hard," she said and looked up at Yujin who tilted her head.

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