Pt. 2: Chapter One

Start from the beginning

"Crys is making sure Marvel and Milo are asleep in their room so when the movie starts there's no interruptions. I'm surprised you're not in there with them trying to escape the gaze of society," Nya responded sarcastically. "You're the most newly famous person I know that could care less about being famous, like damn."

"Look, who's this person?"

"Oh, you really want to know, huh?"

"Only because you're over there smirking as if it's somebody off the wall when it's probably just somebody I don't care about."

"Man, I swear you're so emo. I really hope Marvel and Milo don't act like you when they grow up, just mean and antisocial, chile," Nya said with a laugh. I knew she was joking somewhat, but I didn't laugh. I wasn't antisocial. I just knew who to give my energy to and who not to. Unfortunately, none of her guests deserved my energy. She should worry less about my lack of speaking and more of her lack of having friends with less than three braincells.

Wait, let me not be mean. What would my therapist say? I shouldn't judge Nya's choice of friends or people I for real don't know. Maybe they're okay and I'm just not in a good mood.

"Nya, who is this person," I asked again, keeping her on track.

"Oh! It's Leilani," she blurted like it was no big deal. I almost choked on the salvia in my mouth. I crossed my arms tighter and stepped forward to her as she laughed her ass off as if she had told the funniest joke in the world. Hopefully, she was joking. "Why you look like you're about to have a fit," she yelled through laughter. I'm glad this was cracking her up meanwhile I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest and my knees were getting weak. "You're getting so pale!"

"Why would you joke about something like that," I asked as I uncrossed my arms. I started cracking my knuckles nervously as I looked around the room again to make sure Leilani wasn't actually here.

Nya got finished with her laughing fit, wiping away tears from her eyes as I tried not to have a panic attack. "Okay so, I'm sorry for laughing," she finally said once she got herself together. She still had a hint of a smile on her face, but I could tell she was serious this time. "Leilani really is coming. She should be here in a few minutes." I couldn't even find the words. My mouth went dry as I stared at Nya intensely. "Look, Tristan, I didn't think you would be upset? I asked her to come about a month ago and she never told me she was coming until an hour ago. I would've pre-warned you if she wasn't so last minute." I continued staring at her, not saying a word. "Are you okay? I didn't think you two had beef?"

"I'll be right back," I said plainly as I walked past Nya.

I kept my head down, not making eye contact with anyone. If one of her friends made a conversation with me, I might just vomit on their outfit. I turned the door knob to Milo and Marvel's bedroom. Crystal, Nya's fiancée, seemed as if she was about to walk out as I walked in. "Tris, you good," she asked as if she was worried. I guess I really was pale like Nya said.

"I'm good," I whispered, noticing Marvel and Milo were already knocked out for the night. "I just need a moment. Just going to sit here in the dark for a few minutes, listen to my kids snore and I'll head out when y'all start the movie."

"Alright. I'll text you when we're about to start the movie if that's cool?"

"That's cool," I said with a nod. Crystal nodded back as I moved aside so she could leave the room.

When she did, I closed the door behind me softly and walked over to Marvel's desk. I took a seat in the chair and began taking deep nasal inhales from the depths of my stomach before exhaling through my mouth.

Milk and Honey (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now