"So what does a pretty lady like you do in the forest all by herself?" My girlfriend asked me.

"Hunting." I stated.

"That's hardly a one person job my love. Allow me to lend a hand." She said, faking a bow.

"If you insist... Heda." I took a hold of her hand and pulled her along towards the river.

I was well aware of her faked scowl in my direction. I ignored it on purpose. Soon enough she caught up with my pace so we were just walking next to each other.

"How come you didn't make it last week?" I wondered, glancing to Nike.

"Negotiations." She shrugged, not even bothering to elaborate.

"Suddenly every little duty that comes with being Heda was thrown at me. I wanted to get away from the capitol, but I couldn't. I'm sorry."

I gave her hand a squeeze.

"It's okay, it happens when your girlfriend is the leader of trikru."

I decided not to mention I had to hide from acid rain while waiting on her.

When we reached the river, Nike pulled me in some bushes near the water's edge.

In a hushed tone she said "Look across."

I peeked through the branches and saw a group of deer. I'd have one shot, so I couldn't miss.

Nike gave me an encouraging smile. I positioned myself correctly as quietly as possible. I put an arrow on my string and pulled back, aiming for one of the drinking animals.

One shot.

One kill.

No more, no less.

I took a deep breath to calm myself and when I breathed out I released the arrow. Mercilessly it hit the deer in the chest.

The rest of the deer scurried away, afraid of becoming my next target. For now, this would have to do.

"Ah crap." I muttered.

"What?" My girlfriend asked beside me.

"It's on the other side of the river." I whine.

"Swim across and we'll cut up the deer here. There's a bridge down stream you can take to cross back to this side and be on your way home." She explained as if it was an obvious thing.

"But then I'll get all wet." I refused.

"Aren't you already then?" Nike winked.

"Oh screw you." I grumbled, rolling my eyes at her.

"We'll if you're not already, you're about to be." Nike stated.

She took a long climbing rope from the belt around her waist.

"Give me your bow and an arrow." She commanded.

I did as she asked. I saw my girlfriend take aim and shoot the arrow somewhere up in a tree. I didn't see it fall. She gav the rope a couple strong tugs.

She was right you know... This was quite attractive...

"Alright, hold on to me and pray we don't fall into the river."

Nike had a wicked grin plastered across her face.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" I asked a little skeptical.

"No, that's why you need to pray."

"Ah, good to know we rely on the prayers of an atheist." I stated, taking her hand anyway.

Without another warning she wrapped her hand around my waist and jumped across the river with me. I felt the arrow budging under our combined weight.

"Nikeeee!!" I exclaimed feeling my shoe drag through the water.

"Just a... Bit further..." She said with a concentrated scowl.

Then she added:

"This might hurt."

"Oh I hate it when you say that." I grunted, preparing myself for impact.

I heard the arrow snap and we we're falling fast, but just as wel fell we reached the other river bank, crashing full force into the ground that awaited us there.

"Next time I'll swim." I grumbled, feeling slightly dizzy and disoriented.

"I gave you that option. You didn't want to get wet." Nike defended herself.

"How far was that bridge again?" I wondered.

"About a mile or so."

"Next time I'm just going the extra mile."

"Suit yourself, I still think it was a succes."

"If you say so commander." I smirked.

"Come on, cut up your deer I'll help you carry it back as far as I can." Nike said, rolling her eyes with a smile afterwards.


Hey SunsetMahi

Finally I can say, here is your short! It took me a bit cause I didn't expect it to be so hard for me. Anyway, I know it's a tad bit weird and maybe a bit all over the place, but I hope you still like it. The ending might feel a bit rushed though, I apologize for that.
Aside from that if you have any other ideas pls let me know, I'd love to see what I can cook up. Have a good day!

- Athena

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