Ch 80 Old Memories

Start from the beginning

"Al was, like that too, Sometimes he is just this cute guy that cracked jokes and was always smiling, but he had that unhinged wild side."

"It was the same even when they were 4 years old you know."

"They never change do they?"

"Nope, not in the slightest." Tessia's thin lips curled into a gentle smile, Al never really talked about himself all that much so it's nice to hear about him.

"Well. I'll leave you to train." Tessia patted me on my shoulder before she walked off. I stood up and quickly warmed up my body.

"Hey! you there by the ledge, Get back here you might fall!" I heard a voice call out from behind me, Turning back I could see two guards. One was the usual one who watched the hanger and the other was a new guy.

"Shut up kid." The older guard spoke as he thumped the new guy on the top of his head with an audible echo from the large room.

"Just be back before you noon. I can't keep the door open forever." he gave me a thumbs-up as I tightened my scarf and fastened the clip around my rapier so it doesn't fall. Standing with my heels against the ledge I gave a wave back to them as I leaned back and fell smoothly from the entrance of the castle.

"Having Fun Are we?" I turned to my side to see my Team fighting mechanics professor Vanesy Glory riding her flare hawk Torch.

"What can I say, Skydiving Is fun. General" I Teased her with narrow eyes as I stared at the ring signifying her status as a lance. After reaching the mid silver stage a year ago she took the place of the previous Lance Bairon Wykes who Arthur had killed in a rage.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that, We knew each other back before all that." She shook her head at me with a smile.

"Ok, ok. But aren't you supposed to be in the glades with your unit?" I asked as I brushed a Hair out of my face.

"Oh? Did the commander not tell you who's unit you're assigned to?" Vanesy's eyebrow rose as her voice was genuine in its questioning. "Neverminded. I was on my way to Pick you, the princess Tessia, and the Prince and princess Glayder. You four are in my unit." She explained as we were still free-falling and about to reach the clouds below.

"WAIT REALLY!? I hoped to be put in a lance's unit, but I never expected to be in YOURS" My cheeks flushed in the excitement of going to the Glades with my former friends and professors.

"Yes really, Just be back at the castle in half an hour or I'll have Torch Drag you back." Vanesy returned my cheerful smile as Torches wings spread catching the air before slowly shooting back into the sky from the difference in our speed.

My lips curled as my body felt warm, the memories of all the fun and chaotic times in the disciplinary room flooded back. Elijah's creations blew up in his face, Al cacking like a mad man watching the spoke poof out of his hair. Elijah and Al teased Arthur when they spotted a bite mark on the back of his neck that he was desperately trying to hide. Theodore constantly challenged the three of them and lost each time only to bounce back stronger. Feyrith getting doused in water and frozen to the roof by alexander who pointed out the gagged elf stuck to the roof only when questioned for his location. Grawder getting bullied for his food by Zephyr and Sylvie to the confusion of everyone present in the room with the exception of the three of them and me.

I reached out to my best will gifted to me by Alexander as I saw the black runes spread over my Assimilated body. My hair fluttering behind me becoming coated in brilliant golden flames as I felt my wings spread out from my exposed back, It had taken me a while to get used to them as They had felt like entirely new limbs and not a simple construct but at least if felt natural as it felt like an old hobby I was picking up again after a long break.

With a flap of my blazing wings aided with my wind magic, I caught up to Vanesy riding her bond Who looked startled and self-conscious upon seeing my wings fully expanded to their full span of slightly over 10 meters, making my wingspan clearly larger than her bond's.

"I'll Race you to the wall and back! Loser pays for lunch!" I called out to her with a lighthearted challenge.

"OH YOUR ON!!" She yelled back in an excited tone, much the same as her bond who made an excited screech.

With that roar of an accepted challenge, we shot off towards the mountains, Vanesy flying alongside her bond with her power as a white core mage.

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