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Warning: Mature content ahead.
Excuse us if you're not 18.

Dare's POV


'What is she doing here?'

Dare was utterly dumbfounded as he walked down the stairs. He was panicking too because he was getting those damn heart flips as well. He was feeling things he had sworn off.

He fought the excitement bubbling underneath his cold and detached facade. He had to pull himself together and he knew how to. Because he has admitted it to himself that he likes her way too much for his own good and he has trained himself over the past few months to use his head more when it comes to Sofi's matter. He is supposed to be following his head right now and not his heart...... or Dare jnr!

She was just a phase.

.... A very good phase. He told himself. He had survived all these months without her and he was doing great, why break now?

He stayed quiet initially because he had a thousand questions on his lips but he didn't know where to start plus he just wanted to stare because, goddamnit! Sofi is beautiful woman.

This won't end well. He thought to himself. She was already disarming him just by standing there and being so fucking cute and sexy at the same time.

Suddenly he realized she was quiet, he had not been paying attention to what she was saying, his whole brainpower was busy suppressing emotions while appreciating God's work at the same time.

"Okay" He said. That was the only thing he could come up with.

Then she mentioned Amanda and that was when his eyes cleared.

Oh, this is why she came? He was a little bit disappointed but he was relieved too.

Then he became suspicious!

So, in the past couple of weeks, Mr. Bakare and Amanda have been scheming to get him to move back to Lagos. He doesn't answer Chief's calls but he talks to Amanda almost on a weekly basis and she has been literally hounding him to open his Venture Capital office in Lagos. She even sent a link to him of a new office building in Ikoyi, said she thought it was built to his 'taste' Lol.

Honestly, he is not even mad at Amanda, he knows Mr. Bakare put her up to it, but if this is what they are trying to do by sending Sofi to him, then they've just crossed the line.

Amanda called yesterday, twice! to find out if he had 'received' the documents (It's a Lawsuit against some deadbeat guy that Japa'd and abandoned his wife and kids in Lagos, just one of Amanda's pro bono cases sha) and she didn't mention that Sofi was bringing it down. Now he can see why she was blowing up his phone. She just wanted to know if he had seen Sofi lol.

His emotions kinda morphed into mild irritation. Mr. Bakare is unbelievable!

Her hand brushed his as she handed the envelope to him, her fingers were cold and unsteady, and he was genuinely concerned about her.

"I didn't know you were the one bringing it," He said what was on his mind in that moment.

"Congratulations on the promotion by the way,............ and your MBA" He added.

Is this part of your new job description? He wanted to ask because, Mr. Bakare has a house here in London, and they have idle Staff there that could have handled this stuff for Amanda. They're trying to use Sofi to resolve the fresh beef between him and Mr. Bakare. Taking the easy way out as usual.

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