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Dare's POV

"Baby?" He said when she finally opened the door after TY arrived. She had already packed up her bags and was dressed up to leave. She ignored him as she passed one of the bags to her friend.

TY was very puzzled at this point, her eyes darted wildly between the two of them as she stood by awkwardly.

He grabbed her hand. "Hey,... let's talk about it" He pleaded.

She paused but only to look him in the eye, it seemed she wanted to say something in that moment but didn't know where to start so she just shook her head in disappointment instead.

"Let's go," she said calmly to her friend.

Dare watched forlornly as they drove off. She had every right to be mad at him, he deserved it. He knew there was nothing he could say to her to justify him withholding such information from her so, he decided to give her small space to calm down first.

He walked back to the kitchen, drank up his bourbon, and sighed in frustration. He started thinking about how her mind must have gone into overdrive in the past hour trying to make sense of the whole situation, Sofi that can overthink for Africa normally?.

He found himself dialing her number again after another 15 minutes but she didn't answer so he texted her.

Dare: I'll come over tomorrow so we can talk. I'm so sorry.

Dare: I love you.

She didn't respond to the text but he could see that she had read it. He started typing again he wanted to give her some background behind the whole drama so she could at least understand but, he stopped himself real quick.

She needs her space. She always wants her space first. Let her sleep over it.

In fact, he needed to deal with his own issues too, he was still in a bad mood thanks to his little meltdown with Chief earlier. This is not even a good time for him to have a deep conversation with her about the whole thing, he was still very irritable that evening.

He was not even aware that he still held so much resentment towards Chief. His outburst surprised even him because he thought he had forgiven the Man. Not like, he has ever admitted it to himself that he needed to forgive the man for anything, he has never acknowledged this resentment. As he grew older, he buried his anguish and just assumed he was just being childish. He didn't want to be bitter person.

In addition, Mr. Bakare has never asked him for forgiveness or explained why he was an absent father. The Man just carries on as though their situation is totally normal but it drives him crazy sometimes, like the first time they met in the UK about 15 years ago.

(A/N: Throwback)

After that his Lagos adventure, Dare's Parents moved to Japan thanks to his Mother's job. His Father moved with them this time too because he also got a clinical research job with a university teaching hospital in Tokyo.

So Dare had to leave the boarding school in Abuja to complete his education in a new Country. Akin had a nice time teasing him about how he was going to eat only 'frogs' and 'raw fish' in Japan (Dumbass lol). Last last sha, the only downside was, he lost a year and had to learn a new language despite the fact that he attended an international school for foreigners and most of his friends were foreigners.

Japan turned out good, he loves the Japanese culture and lifestyle, plus his sister was born there. The cute little munchkin made everyone happy, especially his Dad. He had never seen his Father so happy before. He left for University just before she turned three.

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