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Sofi's POV.

Sofi waited in the waiting area outside Chief's office because he was with another Manager, he called for her earlier. It was the second week of his resumption, he resumed a week ago because that Dare quit. He did not even stay up to the three months that he gave Chief to find a replacement, he just left abruptly.

wicked soul. Good riddance sha.

They were initially worried about Chief's health but he assured everyone that he is much better and he has an army of Doctors monitoring his health. "Don't worry they said I'll reach 100 years" He joked. Even Amanda told her not to worry, she confirmed it too, said he is fine now.

Anyway.. . so, last week he announced in his first meeting they had that she is going to head the subsidiary Company that will handle all the gas projects ;NeoHydra Energy Limited, such a clever name. 'Neo' means new and they used 'energy' this time instead of 'petroleum' since everything related to oil is dirty and casted now lol. (Hopefully, Yinka and her people won't come near this one to protest or cause trouble, gas is a lesser evil.) Sofi is now a member of the Hydra Group Board of Directors too, the youngest member ever. lol Senator Dele is going to hang himself.

So... my dear readers you are looking at the latest MD/CEO in town! The Company is still a startup and not yet making its own money because it will take a lot of time before they start producing. Nevertheless, it is a going to be a billion dollar company once they finish drilling and developing the wells. Mr. Obaze is still going to be the COO running the technical side of things while she is just going to focus on HQ activities.

Her Mummy did massive thanksgiving during service on sunday. Sofi knows her Mum is now a VIP in the church because her daughter is a MD/CEO of an Oyel and Gas Company. People will not hear word again in this Lagos lol. Funny enough she has not said anything about Husband for a while now but Sofi knows she is just on break; once she gets over this CEO excitement, she will resume her marriage nagging.

She was still in shock too, herself, it was all too surreal because how? She wasn't expecting this! She knew she was going to be on the gas project, maybe finally get her promotion but she didn't know they'd create a whole ass Company for it and make her lead it. She sneered as she remembered how that werey Dare was gingering her to quit, and how she almost quit because of that fight they had sef. See why it's bad to date your Coworker! Enemies can disguise in many forms!

Now all her hard work and patience has finally paid off. This one is like quadruple...wait what's the word for the one that is for 5times. Yeah this is like 5 steps up. Right now, the only person she reports to is the Board and Chief. She is a freaking Boss!

TY Screamed on the phone when she told her. She is currently somewhere chilling with Osaze because she has completed her first shift in the Abu Dhabi rig. Osaze is planning to propose and he has been consulting with Sofi for her ring. Sofi is secretly going to get her ring size for him, and she has given him a list of all TY's favorite designers already.

Hmmm Hope TY is ready for electrocution because, it must choke!

Honestly, TY has been super worried about her too, especially after she told her why she and Dare really broke up. They were worried Chief would kinda stop trusting her plus the fact that they don't know the extent of the damage Dare has done or what he was even planning to do.

After their fight he didn't contact her again or say anything to her when they ran into each other at work. He was just curt and formal with her. However, when he got back to London he started calling, blowing up her phone with texts asking to talk again, he said he is sorry but she does not have his time because he is an asshole disguising and she is over him. She used the past few weeks to bury herself in work and delete the remaining dumb feelings she had for him.

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