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Sofi's POV

"Your hand?" He said after dinner, They were about to start a movie, he was holding the bracelet he got for her weeks back. The one she returned when her village people were controlling her.

"You think you can escape me?" He said as he slipped it on for her and she chuckled.

"Thank you, it's beautiful," She said shamefacedly.


That evening they just cuddled and did some movies, he was distracted by calls from work the whole time. Then the one that caught her attention was a call from his former colleague in London.

Turns out, he is still passively managing some exchange traded funds. She heard him instructing them to sell some equities immediately and then buy others by Monday.

"Are you still working for Redrock?" She asked when he hung up.

"Just rendering some advisory services," He said.

"For free? Are you Santa?" She teased him. It was a 15-minute call.

"Well technically the ETFs are still under my management," he explained.

"What does that mean?" Advanced finance is not her expertise.

"I am still receiving management fees and bonuses for their performance," He said.

"Wait, you didn't resign?"

"I tried to but, the Global Head of my Division did not accept my resignation, he couldn't understand why I would quit to run a small Nigerian Company"

Chai! is it their Company they are calling 'Small Company' That Oyibo should mind himself o!

Also, just how good is he at this Investment Banking abi Asset management thing! (She still does not understand the difference between the two lol. He explained it to her the other day but they still sound very similar to her, maybe by the time she completes her MBA it will make more sense to her.)

He went on to explain how his former Boss suggested that he take an extended leave instead of resigning outrightly. They are leaving the door open for him to come back whenever he is done with his 'Nigerian thing'.

That info kind of bothered her a bit, she does not want him to go back o.

"Are you going back?" she asked.

He sighed. "I don't intend to go back there, I was already nursing the idea of leaving even before this job came up" He said.

In other words, he is not going to stay with them for long either. She already knew that but she prefers to ignore it.

But then again, why would he even want to leave that job in the first place, he was peaking. Portfolio managers (especially one on SVP level) earn bonuses that run into millions of pounds, and based on what João said he is one of the best in Redrock.

"Why though, you were flying high"

He looked at her first then started "I wanted live..... experience life and not just exist as a money making machine"

She rolled her eyes and he laughed.

"Seriously I know it sounds cliché but, its true" He sat up. "Sofi it came to point where I felt like a robot.....a psychopath because I felt nothing. You see in order to be successful in what I do, you must drop all emotions, empathy. You have to make tough decisions even if it goes against your personal values" He was speaking earnestly now so she listened attentively.

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