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"He just stepped out" Sofi said politely "Please come in, he should be back soon" She stepped aside for the babe.

The babe waltzed in like she owned the damn place as Sofi sized her up. The babe was set, her style screamed class, rich aunty vibe; check.

"Awww everything is still intact, just how I left them," She said as she dropped her LV bag on the Couch and sat down elegantly.

'hmmm okay, Interesting' Sofi thought to herself but remained calm.

"Do you need anything? A drink? Water?" Sofi asked her.

"Urrm water please" She said sweetly "I am on a detox diet" She added.

As Sofi climbed up the stairs to get the water from the kitchen, she saw the babe making a call. It looked like she was trying to call him. Sofi knows his phone is switched off because she tried calling like 5 minutes ago. The werey is used to stable electricity so he always forgets to plug his phone till it's on 1%, she is very sure he went out with 10% charge and his phone has died somewhere now.

She was on a call when Sofi returned with the bottle of water and a glass. She mouthed a thank you to Sofi as she collected it.

Sofi listened in on the conversation as took the couch opposite their 'August visitor'.

"You moved? You didn't tell me that Yinka" The babe said into her phone "I have to come see your new place"

"Hahaha but you don't have a choice, Yinka"

The babe was really stressing the 'Yinka' it was as if she wanted show Sofi that she knows Yinka. LOL.

Is she really namedropping 'Yinka' to pepper her? As in Yinka Bakare LMAO.

"Yeah..., yeah I am in his house right now"

"Oh wow, I didn't know that" She looked in Sofi's direction, Sofi's eyes were already focused on her so she looked away quickly.

"Thank you so much YINKA, bye YINKA" She ended the phone call then looked at Sofi again.

"Urrm oh my gosh, I am so rude I didn't introduce myself" She stood up "I am Lara, I did the interior design for this house," She said fretfully. Her countenance had changed after that call with Yinka.

"Oh, it's beautiful, I like it" Sofi said. No lies there, the Interior design of the house is out of this world. Sis is talented for sure.

'But that one no concern this aunty? Why is she looking for Unku Dare today? Abi he has not finished paying for the job?'

"We agreed I was gonna come take more pictures for my Instagram page" She said. Suddenly it looked like she was trying to explain herself.

"Okay" Sofi nodded.

Lol, what did Yinka say to her? Obviously, Yinka knows about her and Dare because Gowon knows, he has met her here like twice already.

Her story made a lot sense but Sofi couldn't help but wonder how she wanted to do a photo-shoot today. Sofi knows a couple of Interior designers, Fashion designers, Makeup artists and Chefs or foodies and they take their photography sessions seriously. They hire real professional photographers to do the job for them.

Where is her photography equipment? Was she planning to do it with her IPhone? If she is the one that decorated this house then she not a small scale designer she is huge and can afford a professional camera or a professional photographer.

Sofi realized she was overthinking again then stopped herself real quick. This aunty is not her problem. Where is the Dare sef, he should have been done with the haircut by now. She was dying to see how he would explain this.

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