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The oil she greased the pan with earlier was already smoking so she ran back to the cooker. "He is my friend" She lied, but she was already flustered as she reduced the cooker heat.

"Hahaha!" TY laughed wickedly "Sofi I am your friend too and I love you yeah? Have you ever received a 2 million naira bracelet from me?..to 'make you smile' " TY knows a lot about jewelry she is a timepiece collector.

"He is rich" She said.

"Are you doing sugar daddy now?" TY whispered.

They were back in the living room eating when she started talking.

"It's Mr. Madaki" She said and TY almost choked on her pancake.

"What!? Sofi! no, no, no" She said 'no' like 10 times shaking her head seriously she was not cracking jokes anymore.

"This is worse than getting back with Wale!" She kept her food aside. "I knew something was up with you when you stopped bashing him and started praising him on top" She went on to scold her for about 5 minutes.

Sofi was quiet, she knew she deserved it, she would have said the same thing to TY if she was sleeping with her boss too. She needed to hear some bitter truths from someone not blinded by his charms.

"Don't worry it's over now, he has a girlfriend Sef" She said as she fought back tears.

TY must have sensed the hurt in her voice so she calmed down a bit on the scolding and ate her food small.

"So why is he still sending you jewelry when you've ended things with him?" She asked.

"I don't know, maybe he trying to entice me with Money," She laughed weakly. "He said he likes 'spoiling' his women"

"He said that to you? that's hot!...." TY said then changed mouth when she saw Sofi eyeing her "I mean... not him...like that's a hot thing to say"

Is he really still trying to 'Spoil' her back into his bed? If she wanted sugar daddy, she would have gone that route years ago with men who are much richer and powerful than he is.

She has had MAD money thrown at her by some of Chief's acquaintances and friends. She has seen the ones that were ready to marry her as second or third wife or just keep her as full time mistress; it is a thing in Lagos. 

If she was about that life, she would have resigned and followed one of them long ago, but that is not what she wants for herself. She works hard for own and she wants love, it doesn't even have to be perfect but she wants... love. She can't even bring herself to kiss someone she is not attracted to, talk less of sleeping with them or even marrying them.

"Mehhn this is one fine bracelet sha, he has taste" TY said as she admired it again one last time before she snapped the box close.

"What else did he 'spoil' you with?" TY smirked and Sofi flung a throw pillow at her.

"But I support you sha, you should definitely return that. He should know you are serious, and you're not a hungry girl" TY rolled her eyes.


Monday Morning.

"I can't accept this" She handed it to him in his office as soon as he settled in.

"Sorry about that I forgot to cancel the order, I got that about two weeks ago, before..." He paused and looked at her then continued, "You can keep it, your name is engraved on it" He smiled without showing any emotion.

She was surprised and touched. She didn't even know that he put in extra effort to customize it for her. How thoughtful of him. She thought to herself but the other side of her brain reminded her to 'FOCUS!' so she dropped it quickly on his table and left his office.

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