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Sofi's POV

"Urrrm our flight is scheduled for 7:30pm" She was hungry o, but she was not ready to race against time again like she did in the morning.

"Do you have plans in Lagos tonight?"

"Not really" She said. She's just going home to sleep nah since there is work tomorrow, she has already told the Website designer she was supposed to meet earlier to come back on Saturday.

"It's late, let's leave tomorrow morning instead" He said. "Night flights are at a greater risk of delays or even cancellation"

She just raised her brows because she didn't know what to say to that. He is right about evening flight delays, plus they are no longer in a rush right?.... but she is going to work tomorrow.

"What do you think?" He asked her.

"Okay? I'll call the travel Agent" She didn't want to agree with him outright so it would 100% be his idea or instruction to sleep over. Before he will use it against her one day.

He nodded then said "Great, so where do you want to eat?" He said as she started chatting up the Agent.

She froze.

Come o, is it that his personality switches whenever he is not in Lagos? She thought he just wanted to get 'take away'. This Man does not eat with other people, he doesn't even drink the office water. He really wants to sit through a meal with her?

He must have noticed her surprise and confusion because he raised his brows questioningly to remind her he was waiting for an answer.

"I don't know anywhere.....I don't have any dining experience here" She said.

"Wait, is this your first time in Abuja?" He paused.

"No, not really I have attended some weddings and the one time I was here for work, I didn't sleep over." Abuja is boring nah, plus she does not have any close relatives or friends here to visit. She has actually visited Dubai more than Abuja.

"Really? Why is that you Lagosians hate Abuja?"

She chuckled "There is nothing to do now?"

He nodded then started unfastening his tie and she almost lost her bearing for a second but steadied herself quickly because....... that was hot.

Calm down Sofi, don't get carried away. She thought to herself, she was still struggling to process this his Abuja-alter ego, no need to complicate things with thirsty thoughts.

"So how can you be so sure there's nothing to do when you just admitted that you don't know anywhere" He said.

She just smiled.

"Do you like Thai food?"

"Yes" She nodded. Actually one of her favorite foreign cuisines, very underrated in Lagos because everyone is blinded by Chinese.

He spoke Hausa to the driver. She knew he was describing the place for him. The Driver was gisting a lot with him the whole time, it's like the Driver was from home because the agent didn't arrange for that.

The Restaurant was in Jabi and holy shit! The food was good, it was even better than her favorite Thai place in Lagos. They had an actual Thai Chef and their customer service was amazing, she actually picked out his food because he said he couldn't make up his mind.

They talked a lot about the food, he dragged her favorite place in Lagos through the mud because apparently he tried it one time and regretted it .She couldnt stop laughing.

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