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Sofi was in her office working on some urgent task when Ada barged in, as usual.

"We have an emergency!" She bawled.

"Ada I'm busy please, your Oga wants another report, come back later." 

Mr. Madaki sent her an email by 5am to prepare another report on the some random offshore spending the Company did FOUR YEARS Ago and he wants it ready by 1pm. She was not in the mood for any cruise catching right now.

"Today is his Birthday!" Ada said.

"How did you know that?" She asked  eyes still focused on the work she was doing.

"His private Banker just delivered a huge package," Ada said excitedly.

interesting. So he has private bankers rushing him already. 

"Which of the banks?" Sofi asked, she knows some of those Private Bankers.

"Zenith" Ada pulled out one visitor chair and sat down "Why are you asking about the Banker, what does it matter? The question you should be asking is; what are we going to do?"

So, it is Company tradition to order and present a cake to employees on the morning of their birthday. Even if the birthday falls on a weekend, they do it the Monday after. 

Usually the HR Head will gather everyone and they'd carry the cake and balloons to the celebrant's office or workstation and sing happy birthday.

Thing is, is Sofi is responsible for ordering the cakes but, the Baker she contracted for this has a 1 week notice policy because she always makes personalized themed cakes for the celebrants based on something they like or a hobby.

She picked up her phone and started chatting up the baker on IG. "Hmm, I doubt if I can get a themed cake today o, but we could try. Do you know what does he likes? Anything?"

" I tell u I know anything about him, I'm lying" Ada shook her head as she stuffed her mouth with a chocolate bar she sneakily grabbed from Sofi's candy bowl.

"What did the Banker send?" They will do a copy and paste jor, she's not going waste her time to do something nice for him. The guy has no joy, nothing can impress that one. Before he would even come and say she is wasting company funds on social activities.

"He is not here yet, you Come and see it" Ada stood up and she followed. It was a huge dark leather parcel. It looked very expensive.

"So these Banks just send ordinary birthday email and text to the rest of us on our birthdays, but go out of their way to buy gifts for rich people ehhn" Ada sneered "Should we open it?" she added nervously.

"No, don't worry let me just look around" Sofi said as she skimmed the office.

She took in the dark room extensively now that his presence was not there to intimidate or distract her. The office was plain. There was no single paper on his table, no picture frames, or other personal effects. Oshey Christian Grey.

There was just one large black and gold abstract painting on the wall. The shelves beside them were empty.

She ran her hand through the painting then pulled the drawers under the table one after the other but they were all empty, not even one single pin in them.

"Na wa o" Even Ada was weak. "I think he has some serious trust issues" Ada said "Or maybe it is because he is still new...you know it takes some time to really personalize your space. Wait! one time I saw him eating salted crackers" Ada smiled "it was so cute"

"What is cute about eating crackers" Sofi blinked in bewilderment.

"I don't know... I only see him drinking black coffee most of the time which is hot, but the crackers softened his image in my eyes" Ada said with stars in her eyes.

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