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Two weeks later, Sofi was in her office when Mr. Richards and one of his boys came to seek for help because Mr. Madaki wanted to run a quick mock audit ahead of the external auditors coming in next week.

So, thanks to Mr. Bode and Mr. Obi's mega fraud, the board were sending in independent Auditors for a 'special audit'.

Mr. Richard wanted her help because she herself started out her career at one of the big four accounting firms, he wanted to know what to expect in a Special Audit. She didn't really have much experience with Audit but she knew some things so she was able to help them.

Then around 5:30pm as she was preparing to enter TGIF mode, Mr. Obaze called her too. He said officials from the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) are also coming for a compliance Audit on Monday morning and Mr. Madaki wanted to run a mock audit with him too virtually so he wanted her to help put some of the data together and do the physical stuff he couldn't do virtually.

When she joined them in the meeting room, Mr. Richards was there with two other managers from the accounting department.

Mr. Madaki was seated at the head of the table grueling Mr. Richards as usual. He looked displeased when he saw her, as if he didn't want her there.

The feeling is mutual asshole. She thought to herself as she took a sit very far from him.

They ran into a major setback around 8:45 pm. There were some issues with formatting and she could not import all the work she had done for Mr. Obaze to Mr. Madaki's new software.

He could have just worked with the old one but he just likes stressing people. He said it will be a red flag if the auditors see that the Port Harcourt branch is using a different software.

"Sir, I don't think we can finish this today, we are going to need at least a whole day to transfer everything to the new software," She said to Mr. Obaze.

Dare looked at his watch then asked "So, do you people want to come in tomorrow to finish it?" He asked everyone in the room.

Mr. Richards and the two other managers from accounting all chorused "Nooooo!" Even Mr. Obaze that was attending virtually sef said no.

"We've already stayed late, I think it's better we finish it tonight," Mr. Richards said as he munched on his dinner.

Dare then looked at her. As if, he wanted to hear her own, response.

TBH She was very tired at that point but it is going to suck if they have to come to work again tomorrow....on a Saturday.

"We can't import the whole data today or even tomorrow without some sort of programming, the format is completely different and the data is too large for a manual transfer" She explained instead of answering his question directly. If he just accepts the old software, everyone can go home in the next 1 hour.

"And the ICT guys have closed for the day, they would have done it for us" One of the Accountants added.

"Do you know the language the source code is written in?" He asked her.

"Errrm" Who sent her to suggest programming, she looked it up on her phone quickly and saw that it was the one called 'C++' before she could answer he strode around the table to her side.

"Let me see it"

She pushed her laptop to him and he started typing some things on it. He opened her browser and did some quick searches.

Thank God she closed all her browser tabs before joining the mock audit session, she that was busy shopping for underwear and reading about relationship tips earlier lol.

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