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Why did he make her nervous and why was she thirsting over him in her head. That was very unprofessional of her lol.

This is totally unlike her. She is not even into fine boys normally. She has never dated a fine boy because she could not stand most of them.
But, this one took her by surprise! This is why she wanted to information on him beforehand.

Yes, he is handsome! Like...she is not blind but is that why she'll almost loose her composure. Also, there's a 90% chance that he is married. She didn't look at his ring finger; most of these married men do not wear their rings these days afterall and that's not her mission.

How could she even slip like that in this cutthroat industry? She is supposed to be Chief's eyes and ears here, yet within a second of locking eyes with the guy she forgot her mandate.
She almost embarassed herself there o.

As she composed the email he requested for she remembered he addressed her formally by her first name. NO ONE calls her that, everyone calls her Sofi but he chose to address her formally to let her know that he would not be getting friendly  with her eh. Okay!

She attached the report and hit the send button, she kept the email super formal and direct. He responded with an acknowledgement in less than 30 seconds. Chief would usually respond to emails hours later with a call lol.

Mr. Richards is lucky she got Chief to sign the report last week, Mr. Richard does not usually prepare the quarterly reports on time because Chief does not really use them since he was both Chairman of the Board and CEO. But when she heard Chief was taking some time off she pressured him to prepare it because of the Board.

She went on to create the meeting notice on the company scheduler then attended to some tasks, disbursed some payments before she went to the HR Manager to get the tea she has been waiting for.

However, she was met with disappointed because he did not fill the employee HR forms. Turns out that he has a service contract and not and an employment contract like the rest of them. He doesnt need to fill employee forms. His taxes and pension will be sorted by his own private Accountants. Every other business of his will be sorted at the board level.

"Not even for medicals or emergency contact?" Sofi whined.

"My dear, he said we should call his  driver for emergencies and he has private medical insurance," The HR Manager Kola said visibly frustrated too lol. Looks like everyone wanted tea on this new CEO but he seems to be a super private person. He even turned down the Company driver that was assigned to him, he came with his own personal driver.


Mr. Obaze arrived around 3:30pm just in time for their meeting, everything went smoothly. She wanted to close early today because her best friend, Toyin lost her watch at the club they went to last Friday so she wanted to branch the club and speak to the manager.

"Sofi" Ada popped into her office again, "They need you in the meeting!"

Arrrhh! these meetings with Mr. Richards and Mr. Obaze can drag on for hours o. Usually whenever Chief  holds these meetings with them, she stays back till they finish because Chief or Mr. Obaze will always need some information or help from her.

"Mr Obaze needs some data on the gas projects" Ada gave her the heads up so she will come prepared.

She grabbed her laptop and headed to the meeting room. Ada was also there taking notes, she was sitting just beside Mr. Madaki.

The meeting room was brighter so she could see his face clearly. Seriously he is distractingly attractive. She wondered how Ada was coping sitting calm right next to him like that.

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