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Sofi's POV

Sofi didn't have time to eat breakfast that morning because she wanted to finish all her work so she wouldn't have to take work home over the weekend. Apart from her regular report, she has to give an update on the gas project next week.

Mr. Obaze had sent some technical data and she had to use that to prepare slides for the Monday morning meeting. She is the only one on the project based in the HQ so she has to do it for the project team.

Around 11am, the hunger was getting to her because she started seeing stars. She decided to dash down to the cafeteria and grab a sandwich when she remembered she didn't really eat much last night too. She is trying to shed some weight, one of her waist beads has rolled higher because it has gotten too tight but biko she cannot come and kill herself. Before she will faint here or catch ulcer.

As she packed her sandwich by the buffet, she saw Mrs. Efe from commercial department. Mrs. Efe is one of the new mothers enrolled in the Daycare. She saw her eating alone on her table looking down and lost in thoughts as she played with her food.

Eya maybe she is thinking about the crèche issue. She decided to go talk to her and assure her that she would do everything in her power to stop them from shutting it down.

Yesterday she called Amanda and told her about the crèche. She had to do it, Mr. Madaki is behaving like a dictator, and she is not going to let him get away with his excesses. If they sit back and nod to everything he says, he is only going to get 'eviler'. Plus, she is a woman too and one day she is going to have baby herself so she was ready to fight dirty for this one she is ready for him. He should come and beat her.

She knows Amanda will do something about it because the woman is very passionate about women issues. Someone that has pro-bono law firm dedicated to vulnerable women.

Like, how can he even be so evil, what did the babies do to him. Very bitter soul.

This his behavior has just confirmed to her that he is indeed not a 'Family man' he doesn't wear a ring as pointed out by Ada, although she has always warned her to 'crush' with caution because all these IJGB always have at least one oyibo/akata wife or even baby mama abroad.

"Mrs. Efe, hi how are you?" She joined her on the table and unwrapped her sandwich.

The older woman's face brightened up when she saw her. "Sofi, how are you dear, you've been scarce these days o"

"hmm they want to kill me with work" She lamented.

"eyah sorry" Mrs. Efe smiled deeply. "Transitions are like that, don't worry things will soon stabilize"

"I hope so," She said cynically as she bit into the avocado sandwich.

The woman just smiled and it looked like she was slipping into her thoughts again.

"Have you heard about the crèche?"

The woman nodded with a sad smile.

"Don't worry I won't let them shut it down, I promise"

Mrs. Efe's eyes flung wide in shock. "What do you mean you won't let them shut it down?"

Oh no! she has not heard, now I have to break the bad news to her. "Mr. Madaki ordered the building manager to shut down the crèche"

"I know about that, why do you want to stop them exactly" The woman asked looking confused.

"You don't want the crèche anymore?" What is going on?

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