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Dare's POV.

Dare was out drinking with his secondary school friend, Akin and 2 of his guys. He has been postponing this meetup ever since he moved to Lagos because he has been very busy with the new job. Akin literally threatened him this week so he finally caved in.

Akin's wife and 3-year-old daughter are currently away in the US to deliver their second child so he has been very bored and has all the freedom to party and stay out all night with the guys.

Thinking about, it is actually funny that even Akin, who is a Medical Doctor does not trust the Country's healthcare system. Its not about the passport for them, his wife is a US Citizen.

They were drinking, catching up and playing chess. There was a football replay on the TV in the room. His phone rang; it was Gowon.

"I am here," Gowon said "Can you meet me in the parking lot, I can't come In because there's someone in the car with me"

"Sure I'll be out in a sec" Dare excused himself and Akin glared at him at first thinking he wanted to leave.

"Guy calm down" He laughed. "Someone is here to see me"

The person he is going to meet outside, Gowon is an ex-DSS agent. He quit years ago and now runs a private security company; the Company provides offshore security for many oil companies in the country. Mostly for the oil majors.

When he was moving to Lagos and needed to make his home and private security arrangements, Mr. Obaze introduced him to Gowon because his Company provides security services for some their operations in Port Harcourt as well.

The security system and software he installed in his house is so good and even more advanced than the one in his London apartment. Gowon's Company also handled the purchase of his armored S-class from the US. In fact, Gowon personally handled the acquisition of the car himself and that was how they started talking one on one.

They developed a good rapport because Gowon speaks Hausa like him so they get along quite well.

So when he decided to do THIS, it was Gowon that came to mind.

He did not even know he would see him today but when he called him an hour ago and said, he wanted him to do something for him Gowon, sensing the hesitation in his voiced asked if he wanted to discuss it in person and he said yes. Luckily, he was heading towards Ikoyi so they just agreed to meet at the club.

The fact that Gowon actually took time off his super busy schedule to come here personally, made him grateful. Such a reliable guy, no wonder he is very successful.

You see he actually needed this hangout today more than anything because the job was beginning to stress him out. Everything was going smoothly but he still has more cleaning up to do. He has nailed his first scapegoats, he really had no plans of firing more people but hoped the example he set with those two would be a deterrence to the others, going forward.

In addition, the structure of the Company irritated him. Why was that Sofi girl low-key in charge of everything? Mr. Bakare was running the place like typical Nigerian one-man-business and the Sofi girl was like his hidden deputy.

The company's only redeeming feature is that it is an oil and gas E&P Company and most of the technical work is outsourced so Chief Bakare's management style worked for them while he was still CEO. He could not wait to fix that and put up a solid structure with stricter internal controls.

He also has to mop up funds in order to raise more funds that the Company will use as financial capability in the new gas projects they'll be bidding for in the next two months.

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