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She did not go anywhere on Saturday, she was supposed to be with him this weekend. She did some heavy cleaning instead, covered syllabus on her online Warwick MBA and completed assignments that were not even due yet, all to get her mind off him. The worst part is, she couldn't talk to anyone about it because no one knows about them.

On Sunday as she picked out her outfits for the week, she thought about how he hasn't even called or texted her since that Friday night and she was low key hurt. See how easy and convenient it is for him to just drop her like that, he has already had her now. She has already given him the one thing he wanted from her on platter of gold, she felt so cheap and used.

'This is why you should stay away from fine boys Sofi' she thought to herself. 'And focus on your career'

Your career won't screw you over.....literally.

That night she studied harder. She has been very slow with the programme. It is a 2-year programme and it can be extended by a year but she plans to finish it in two years. She started it last year, when the Company approved her scholarship. The Company pays 40% of tuition for all employees for any furthering of education.

She has been lagging because she does not have enough time during the week; She is always tired when she gets home from work and she has weddings or other family stuff during the weekends.

But now that she has gone to get entangled with Mr. Madaki she was motivated more than ever to finish it within the two years. He is probably going to get back to frustrating her and if things get out of hand or messy she is going quit so she better hurry up and upgrade her CV real quick.


On Monday, he passed her office and went straight to his without stopping. He held a meeting that morning. He wasn't mean today even to the Managers who had problems in their Department, he looked calm but still irritable. Maybe he is thinking about his real girlfriend.

Monday evening she studied again, attended live lectures. Then her personal phone started ringing around 8:30pm and her heart stopped. The regular callers on her personal line are Toyin, her Mummy and Him. She was subconsciously hoping it was him.

But, it wasn't.

It was Amanda. "Sofi dear, how are you?"

"I am fine ma" She was surprised. "How is Chief's health?"

"I am fine Sofi!" She heard the old Man say in the background. Lol she was on speaker.

Amanda said they were coming back to Nigeria on Wednesday or Thursday not sure yet, because they are thinking of branching Europe to visit Segun and his family.

She wanted Sofi to help her mobilize some of her domestic Staff, and attend to some issues at her pro bono law firm because her Assistant was already on her way to join them in Bali.

After the call, she smiled but she also felt some type of way. She felt a little bit ashamed because she suddenly became more aware of what she had done while they were away.

She slept with their CEO! If they ever find out, she would be so mortified because she is the one person they trust the most who is not family.

Thank God, she has ended it with him. She needs to stop thinking about him, see her waiting for him to call her and still having feelings for him. That call from Amanda was a huge wake up call for her.

She went back to her lectures and did 3 more hours before sleeping.


On Thursday, he stormed into her office first thing in the morning. There was a guy from Compliance department in her office. The guy stood up immediately he saw him "Good morning, Sir" He said nervously.

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