Ch77 A Warriors Present

Start from the beginning

He constantly murmured and whooped with each new discovery he found in my sword.

"Remarkable! Truly This Is The Work Of The Gods! Marvelous!- So That's how that was Forged!" His voiced with each glace at it, Hell even Elijah joined in looking at it. Apparently, Elijah could already hide his presence well enough so he only took like two days to finish the forest training So he came here early and has been an apprentice to Wren as he trained his earth and Metal manipulation.

While Wren and Elijah were raving about my sword, I was experimenting with altering the Shape of my spell beads, It was a lot more difficult by I had some success with minor shape changes from the normal small orb to a cone shape and a Cube but anything other than that vastly decreased the mana and Strength of spells I could store in them.

Wren took an Interest in what I was doing So I explained the concept to him and He was surprised at the idea and that It worked, he tried a few times but after failing to do it he just went back to studying Tempestarii.

** 3 hours later**

"Alexander I'm Going to get the nessecery information to make the Rapier for your Fiancée, her name was Claire Bladeheart correct?" Wren spoke as he opened a portal.

"Yes that's correct, But please don't make her strip to analyze her mana flow like us." I sighed.

"I will collect the data through observation in a way that preserves her dignity, Oh and yes Do keep busy with your training while I'm gone," he said as he summoned a few thousand Powerful golems as he stepped through the portal.

"Oh, you Motherfucker!" I spat at the spot he had just disappeared from as the Golems approached us.

"Well, this is great." Elijah sighed pulling out his Warhammer.

"50 50 spilt?" I asked as my horns manifested and my claws dripped with Acid.

"Unlike you, my magic isn't meant to kill army's, 25 75 Split.

"haaaa... Fine, four eyes."

"Can it, Ya horny bastard."

"First off, my horns are fucking beautiful and So is Claire. Secondly, Fuck you too, half breed."

"Ok THAT was personal. Your a bottom and you fucking know it!" He spat at me.

"Ok but it's Claire your talking about can you really blame me? Also, keep talking like that, And I won't resurrect your Wife!"

"I can't blame you for that with Clare, but YOU IS A RAT BASTARD IF YOU DONT RESURRECT CECILIA FOR ME!" He pointed at me as he insulted me.

without a word two shadow spikes launched from our shadow impaling the nearest golem.

"Nah I'm just Fucking with ya" I punched him in the shoulder as we both burst out laughing before Turing to the Golems


A few days later

Arthur showed up and Was trained just the same as us, Wren making him strip and fire spells. us getting attacked with only a few hours of sleep, fighting for hours and sometimes nearly a day straight.

Wren had been making Claire's Rapier at a painstakingly slow pace saying he needs the time to make sure every aspect is as perfect as he possibly could while using Tempestarii as a reference for the base of its structure.

From the few glimpses I saw of it which was merely the handle and guard and a bit of the blade, which to be honest looked like a thinner version of dawn's ballad with a fancy yet fictional handguard as well as a translucent red blade that was the same shade of crimson as her hair. But I did notice that the hilt was shaped to fit what seemed to be specifically Claire's hand, My main reason for deducing this was that the handle was thinner around the top and wider at the middle ever so slightly. Claire's pointer and ring finger had more Calluses than her ring and middle finger so it lined up more or less.

During our training, we were split up around the Crater at different sections as we fought a massive army of golems with our allied golems.

Throughout the battles, Wren shouted out pointers, advising us to avoid being herded into a corner as we mowed down enemy golems. Every now and then, golems that were stronger than usual would pop up, throwing us off guard at the start because they massacred the golems on our sides.

The day ended when we took down all of the golems. "That was brutal," Art sighed, laying flat on the ground. we were in an almost constant state of battle from the moment we were rudely awakened, with no chance to eat, drink, or even pee.

"Ya got that right." Elijah sighed.

"I don't even have the energy to heal myself." I breathed out, Although the Blade storm Style's stances let me fight with no wasted movement at all which made this a lot easier, Fighting for 14 hours straight leaves me exhausted.

Dinner was spent around a fire after Wren casually removed the golems and fake blood with a swipe of his hand. We began by debriefing the battle; Wren pointed out the mistakes we had made, from the minor ones to the potentially fatal ones.

"The total number of casualties on your side was 2451 golems, while the other side had 4500. Not an impressive victory considering the level I had made the golems on the enemy side," Wren read off from his notes.

This cycle of fighting while not in good shape till exhaustion or killing the army would be our routine for the next two and a half years.

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