Ch 74 Core Development

Start from the beginning

"Much more comfortable. Thank you," I assured gratefully as the pain began subsiding from the cold gel-like liquid soaked into the new bandages.

Walking towards me, she curled her lips into a mischievous smile. "mending your bones was no simple mana art. But, I did use mana art to mend your joints."

Myre flicked her arm at me and, faster than I was able to react, an icy blast seared through my chest.

I didn't flinch and observed her spell with Storm's soul, wide-eyed as I stared at the silvery mist that had engulfed the wounds I had gotten from the Acid. Her spell had some trace of something similar to an emitter's magic but very different.

"Aww your no fun." she sighed, her hands still enveloped in the silvery mist.

"Mind teaching me that?" I asked as a green mist came from one of my fingertips and black fire from the other.

"A lady needs to have her secrets, My Dear." Her voice softened as she coquettishly pressed a finger to her lips. Despite her old age, I couldn't help but blush and get sad at her behavior. It reminded me of Claire, And although it's only been no more than 5 months for her Its been 8 years for me.

Coughing down my loneliness, I sat back up, albeit covering a little more of myself with the blanket. "Thank you for treating me, Myre, as well as your hospitality," I spoke as I healed my arms with soulfire and a bit of emitter mana, It worked well together but I had to pay more attention to it so I don't use both if I'm in a fight.

"Not at all. Besides, this old cottage isn't where I live. I merely use this place to get some peace and, from time to time, treat a patient," she smiled, handing me a bowl of warm soup. "I don't treat just anyone you know, but I wanted to meet the human boy who is supposedly the successor of the storm Clan," she declared grandly before shooting me another wink.

Replying with a weak chuckle, I took a careful sip from the bowl. Immediately, a savory broth laced with refreshing hints of herbs enveloped my tongue, enticing me to greedily take another large gulp before setting it down on the nightstand.

"Stay in bed and rest up, your body may be healable with your magic right now but that poison in you is weakening you so rest up and recover with no magic to aid it more than you have done," Myre said as she walked out of the room.

having nothing else to do I pulled the elixir pearl I got from Windsom in Xyrus from my Ring and started to meditate.

As I concentrated on the mana core swirling deep in my sternum, a blast of unfamiliar energy welcomed me. Suddenly, the mountain that I had been chipping away at to reach the white core was but a flat plain, rolled out like a road for me to cross.

Absorbing mana from my surroundings and Elixer pearl, I tentatively began refining when the alien energy began hungrily sucking in the mana I had absorbed and coalesced it with my mana core. The light silver hue of my core started glowing as mana surged throughout my body, filling my veins, muscles, bones, and skin with fiery energy.

I could feel myself shivering uncontrollably as my core began glowing brighter until it wasn't silver, but instead, a white that shone like fresh snow under sunlight.

mediation had finished, the sharp scream of a metal clang filled my ears. As if an invisible wall that had been restraining my mind was gone, my body forcibly shifted into the second phase of my Storm soul.

Prying my eyes open, I could see the Blue runes emerging from my sternum down my arms and shoulders. To my surprise, the glowing runes began changing, their design growing more complex as they shaped themselves into some kind of more complex and geometric shapes; even more confusing my runes started turning black. My disheveled hair started changing colors from my naturally black hair to white, then back to black again.

The furniture inside the one-room cottage started trembling as straw and splinters fell from the roof, filling the room with more rays of moonlight. However, despite the pots and pans clanging against one another, the only sound that filled my ears was the high-pitched ring.

While my hair changed back to its original color, the newly-formed runes on my body glowed brighter as the color began to drain from the world. Soon, the only colors I was able to see were in the minuscule particles floating around me. But something had changed. During the times that I had used Storm soul, I was only able to see four colors: A bright green for wind, blue for water, A dark red for soulfire, and a sickly green for poison. However, there were Black specs in the shadows now.

I felt the Vritra mana arts get clearer like a fog had been lifted, and I could see clearly as opposed to wearing the foggy glasses I had been. I released Stormsoul, and as if a bucket of water had been thrown to douse a raging fire, all of the energy, power, and pain that had been growing larger and larger inside me abruptly vanished. An eerie silence surrounded me as I was left feeling confused, powerless, and frail despite the progress my mana core had made.

But suddenly I felt a massive difference in my mana core, Not my core level that was minor compared to what I felt.

Bahamut's and Uto's wills just Fused into one.

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