Ch 73 The Lernaean Forest

Start from the beginning

"I should have known from the name of this forest and the myology of my last world, Your a fucking Hydra!" I smirked as I spat the poisoned saliva from my mouth, the sad where it landed steamed and smelled of rotting corpses.

A massive bellowing growl blasted out of the Hydra's seven heads made my ribcage reverberate and caused the dark green water to launch at me.

I instantly reappeared 20 feet left of where I was before in a flash of white lightning. The wave had reduced the sand and the vegetation below it to a bubbling mess of rotting fauna.

"Nasty little splash you got there. Is it your piss or just sweat you rank smelling ugly ass bitch." I taunted as Tempestarii Arched in a brilliant sheen of blue as the poison in the air around it froze before falling to the sand below.

The hydra's heads launched towards me with gaping jaws incredibly fast.

{Mutilation Rush.} I kicked off the ground shattering it with each step as I slashed at the heads, weaving between them. blue lightning bolts tracing each swipe of my blade and becoming a projectile to attack again.

Sprinting along the arcs and curves of the hydra's necks swung, spun, stabbed, and tore through its scales and necks making sure not to sever their heads.

Jumping at the Head coming down on me I dived into its mouth cutting it in half along its length. Met with open-air having come out the back of its head I looked back to see its head closing back together.

"Cut one head, off two grow back. Either kill it some other way or cauterize its neck after decapitation." I recited the knowledge wiping its poisonous blood off that was corroding my face.

Poison can't hurt me if I augment myself with a stronger poison, But this thing's blood is just way too fucking corrosive and poisonous. This is really draining though So I don't have too much time. Hopefully, I don't have to use that Sword form.

Coating my sword in blue lightning I focused storm mana into my legs and jumped at the hydra. the sand under my feet scattering in a cloud as I shot like a bullet at the beast.

I kicked at one of the heads with my heel the crunch of my impact shattering its bones audible as it recoiled back.

I threw my entire weight into the swing of my blade severing the monster's head cleanly. the torrent of lightning ripping out of it my sword cauterized the bubbling flesh.

Jumping onto the hydras back to avoid the 6 streams of poisonous breath I saw the severed stump being regenerated back to a full head by the poison breath.

"You Big Nasty Bastard, you Serpentine Slack jaw slut. I Did not want to use this shit, I'm not a masochist like Arthur, But so fucking be it!" I cursed.

My mana core Surged with power As I Converted every single drop of mana into Storm magic, The surrounding area around the Hydra centering on me became tinted white and blue from my unrestrained mana.

tightening my grip Tempestarii in my hands I enhanced all my bones and tendons with storm mana to the absolute limit. My reaction speed passed thunderclap impulse by several magnitudes as I slowed my perception speed and saw each individual droplet of water from the hydra's thrashing slow to a crawl. I drew in as much breath as I could knowing how important every single muscle contraction and tiny alteration in every single form of the Blade Storm Style, But This. This was no normal Blade Storm Form.

This was an art form that needed the perfection of the Mona Lisa in every single aspect of its movements. And was the forbidden and most powerful attack in the entire Style, Which Also meant that it was the most lethal for victims hit by it as well as the one performing the attack even for Asuras.

If I had to describe this attack the closest thing I could describe it as is a hurricane of slashes released in all directions in an instant that even if a dull sword was used It would cut bones like it was air. And I was using My improved version, Every muscle contraction was made with mana making it like using Burst Step in your entire body.

[Deus interfectorem] was the name of this forbidden form, its name meant 'God Slayer' the reason for it being forbidden was that it would cripple the user if it were misused even slightly.

My body blurred from were was as I Kicked off the hydra's back, the force of my movement Shattered its Scales and Spine. I unsheathed Tempestarii, The condensed cyclone inside launching my Silvered blade out in a red streak; Me and my sword both breaking the sound barrier 5 times over. A razor-thin blade of Ice covered in Crimson Lightning tore out of my blade.

I severed one head and spun with the momentum redirecting myself into another swing decapitating another, then another. The Area was saturated with countless arcs of crimson lightning. my blade and After images as the air screamed from the hundreds of sword swings and mana blades they launched in less than 3 seconds.

With each swing, I could feel my body tearing apart along with my bones fracturing from the strain. After swinging the 200th swing I launched myself onto the beach, out of the way of the attack, Canceling my supercharged version of Thunderclap impulse The roar of a hurricane and an orchestra of lightning blended into the sound of a hundred men screaming as they died.

I coughed up blood as My body collapsed in pure burning agony, Every muscle in my body was shredded and barely even attached to my bones. I would have gashed my teeth in pain but my body had used up all its energy in those 3 seconds to the point I was barely conscious by the fatigue alone.

Activating my beast will I forced all my remaining mana into soulfire. My body was covered in a whirlwind of black fire I felt my muscles being sewn back together as they healed as a shrill howl of pain tore its way out of me.

After a while of that torture, I was barely being able to move, flipping myself over to see the Hydra's body floating in the water in numerous chunks of cauterized flesh.

"Thought you might want this, Lord Tempest." Virgil came into my view holding a green mana core which gave off the same presence as the Hydra.

"Thank yo-" I tried to speak but my vision blackened as I lost my strength and let the blackness take me.

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