I cleared my throat, "I know, it's just—"

"Hard to look at?"

"About three months ago, we were in this same situation," I remind Scott. "But this time, I'm staying." I walked over to the corner of the room, grabbed one of the chairs, and dragged it over so it sat next to Taylor. I sat down, scooching it closer as I leaned my elbows on the bed beside hers.

I let my eyes rake over Taylor and up to her face. Even with all of this equipment on her, she still was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. She looked so peaceful sleeping that I wished nothing would ever disturb her. I felt Scott's gaze on me: "What?"

Scott scoffed, "You're so screwed."

I looked and saw Scott shaking his head with a smirk. I couldn't help but fight off the smile that formed on my lips as I looked back at Taylor, "Yeah, I know."

Two Days Later

Taylor had woken up about an hour ago, and Scott and Melissa were the first to talk with her. They were there for about an hour before my dad went there. Everyone else showed up about a half hour later to see her.

Allison told everyone that once Scott and his mom were out, she had to go next because, apparently, her dad was taking her to France to get away from Beacon Hills for some time. She would be back by the start of school. Everyone else was so eager to see her that I told them I would go last.

Just more waiting.

Three Days Later

(Taylor's POV)

As tired as I was, I loved getting to talk to everyone. Scott and Melissa came in after the nurse and my doctor were done talking to me. They said I'd be here for about a month and they would take excellent care of me. I knew they would, especially since I requested that Melissa be my nurse. The doctor told me I had my own hero; without even saying his name, I knew who he was talking about.

Scott, Melissa, and I talked for a while. Scott explained that he told his mom everything so she knew. He said, and I quote, "I told her because I knew you can't lie to her. You would fail miserably if you tried to keep everything from her." That comment resulted in getting a weak smack on the hand from me.

About an hour later, Stilinski came in, and Scott and Melissa left. We chatted briefly; he asked me if I wanted to know. I knew what Stilinski was referring to. It was killing me inside, not knowing what happened; when he first walked into the room, I got myself ready to be arrested. But he didn't arrest me.

When the station arrived at the lab, they went to the basement and confirmed that Tate, Alma, and Joey were guilty of everything. They were guilty of the murders I did; Stilinski just doesn't know that was me.

He told me that all the families of every girl were informed of what had happened to their daughter, and they would get the closure they needed. I cried hard when he told me that. It might have been the drugs, the sleepiness, or the guilt, but I couldn't stop crying.

After Stilinski left, I was ready to sleep. Having a conversation for two hours made me extremely tired, but Scott told me there was one more person I had to talk to before I could sleep. I was expecting Stiles to walk through the door, but instead, it was Allison. I was surprised it wasn't Stiles, but I was happy Allison was here.

When Scott shut the door and Allison sat beside me, I first told her, "I'm sorry I broke your bow."

She snorted, "That's the first thing you're going to say to me?"

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